
Sabtu, 26 Desember 2015

Crocodile Eat Human in East Kalimantan

Many case Crocodile eat human in East Kalimantan River.  There Was many village build near river since hundred years ago. So, people who lives in town need fresh water in the river.  They didnt need a well because the river near where they lived.  All daily activity which need a water they take it from river including transportation needs. Even they lived near crocodile habitat, they were not afraid with this animal, and they lived with this condition since hundred years ago!

Jumat, 25 Desember 2015

Merry Christmas And Happy New Year

To all who celebrated, said : wish you Merry Christmas And Happy New Year.. wish you all the best, lucky and keep smile in next year.

Selasa, 22 Desember 2015

Happy Mothers Day!

The most beautiful heart in the world

Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, in front of his fans in China.


I, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook. I was the one who reported as a wealthy young man who had no news gossip, someone who loved his wife, and the Mark who has a baby face look. Today I want to use few minutes to chat with friends in China, to term you 'Estella'.

Similarly, at the beginning of my speech this year in Beijing Qing Hua University, I tried as much as possible using Chinese. However, due to the limited ability of Chinese language, I apologize if there are less pleased and tried to speak as possible.

Yesterday I had just become a father, friends whole world congratulated me and our family, I am deeply moved, but not a few Chinese friends who express their suspicions, they will be mainly two questions:
1. Why am I taken a woman was not pretty?
2. Why did I donate my facebook property USD 45 billion,was that for hiding taxes?

My friends recommend me should not answer outstanding questions. Bill Gates, the famous singer Shakira, and I would not argue to answer that questions.

I understand what their thinking, I using the metaphors used by famous Chinese philosopher Zhuang Zi, the 'Frog in the bottom of well can not be likened on the ocean, a caterpillar in summer could not be described as ice'.

They also say, the way you view the world, the world as that is what you see. You do not believe the beauty of the world, by itself you will not have the beauty of the world.

Many Chinese who have various modes, like many grass-shrub in their hearts, they are reluctant to open their hearts to receive sunlight is so beautiful.

They (friends) not belittle you, just worried. I think even if I explain to you also do not understand or will not want to understand. Thus I became an idiot, besides wasting time and thought also makes dry mouth alone.

Currently, the age of the Internet, even though the summer caterpillars have never felt the winter, we can use today's technology to make them feel the winter, as well as a frog who had never seen the ocean, we were able to make them feel like what the oceans. Nowadays things can be realized with technology.

For that reason I decided to answer two questions of you. As well as answering more of your questions, for example, why I did not buy a luxury car, and also why it is always just wearing the same T-shirt.

This year I met First Lady of you all while visiting United States, when I talked with Jack Ma / Ma Yun (Founder / Owner Alibaba) and Pony Ma / Ma Hua Teng (Founder / Owner Tencent / QQ / We Chat) about why I married a women are not pretty. At that time I had not donated assets / stock up to me, so it's not yet time to assess the contribution to avoid the tax or not.

I just sat clarify the issue, but not give an explanation. I do not need to explain my personal problem. But I could not resist explaining to Jack Ma and Pony Ma feelings and my thoughts.

Either, they both do not understand what I have said. I suspect they are not yet fully understood. But it doesnt matter, I would repeat to explain in detail to all friend in China that who sympathetic to me.

I can not stand cover excitement over the birth of my daughter. Either you do not know, beforehand, we have bitter experience that my wife suffered three miscarriages, before we really wanted to have children, but my wife had three miscarriages.

When you think immediately get the child, you will feel everything is full of hope. You start thinking child would like, and plan everything for them in the future. But then, everything did not happen.

Dear my friends!
What you can imagine, as a mother graduated from Faculty of Medicine at Harvard University and a father who is rich, but three times failed to have children. You can imagine what the feeling and experience of us? As a husband and wife in general, this time we were so excited to get children and also so sad when the first loss of a child due to miscarriage. We hugged each other, love each other, support each other, together passing through a difficult time, day or night.

Bad experience that we experienced, most people will not talk about abortion with outsiders. Just as you have a deficiency, or has made a mistake that led to it they will occur. For that you can only deal with it themselves.

A man so eager to become a father, but had three failures. But now they will dream has become conviction, I'm really excited .. Please pray for the little Max to be healthy and happy always.

Now I answer your question. The first question, why I was taken a woman is not pretty?


I have many opportunities to see a variety of beautiful women. However, what is called the most beautiful woman to be like glass, if sick spoiled like a princess; and also diseases arrogant. And also will ask me why it is so rich but do not want to change cars? I know where they are willing to show off in a neighborhood friend.
Therefore, even though as beautiful as any woman, if his heart is only demanded / requested, still looks ugly, soul also dirty. Thus the woman then said to be a bad looking woman, was given free I do not want to.

Beauty outside will decrease in value with age, but the beauty of the inside will increase in value with age. In this case the economists on Wall Street would understand, so I was with them, it will not come into contact with objects that rapidly impaired.


A woman's face is the mirror of one's heartstrings, dazzling smile forever. Since pregnant, Priscilla completely ignores the changes in his expression as a result of her pregnancy. Remain modest dress, without grooming, yet happiness I feel completely and also appear to others.

I love the simplicity of Priscilla. I loved his performance: passionate but wise, courageous yet loving, spirited leader, but also can support others. I love the whole. When with him, I feel very comfortable and relaxed.

I did not feel Priscilla flattered me. In addition to having a high intelligence quotient, he also has the emotional intelligence / social high. Do not forget that Priscilla is a graduate of the Department of Medicine, Harvard University. You can try to test the university entrance TSB, majoring in Law, Medicine, Economics is a department that became the bone of contention. Although not necessarily pass the entry test you can pass full. If you want to say flattered, more precisely I were honored to Priscilla, not vice versa.

Marriage is like a pair of shoes. only that wear out shoes comfortable to wear or not. Priscilla is best suited for me. I and Priscilla is the most ideal partner on this earth. I became acquainted with Priscilla while waiting in line at the toilet. In the eyes of Priscilla, I was a nerd. It is a mate.

In your eyes, Priscilla is a woman who is not beautiful. But in my eyes, she is a beautiful woman and the most compatible with me. I could not resist showing off my photos with Priscilla were so happy. I appear in the photo and Priscilla was so happy, peaceful, and natural.

Tips for you: some women only see the ugliness of others, did not see the beauty of others. Thus, happiness will leave you, not paired. For, what is in the heart that is in reality.


You think, I contributed USD 45 Billion nothing to show off wealth or tax evasion? What your brain or my brain is problematic? What we donate USD 45 billion in the form of shares in fact, not the actual value. but only the market value. Can be higher or lower value, this depends on the market decide.

Funds donated to be used as an endowment to be invested into schools and hospitals. At birth our children, our visit to the hospital, intends to be able to contribute in the world of medicine.

Along with the development of technology advanced rapidly, we sincerely hope that the next 100 years. Almost all diseases can be prevented and treated. Nowadays, most people die of heart disease, cancer, stroke, and other infectious diseases. It is hoped they will be able to overcome various diseases more quickly. When she realized our children and many other children are likely to avoid many diseases, we all have a responsibility to realize that dream. I reiterate once again, my wife and I will contribute as much as possible for that purpose.

In Silicon Valley, "Change the World" that word is not just a slogan. He is a conviction and strength. A dream we hope through our efforts to improve the quality of education, medicine, the integration of the world, to be donated back to the community, to change the world. Build a better world for all mankind.

ladys and gentlemen, we are making efforts "Change The World", what have you done? I hear many of you complain, I want to say that there is no means to complain, actions that are more meaningful.

I and Priscilla donate 99% of our shares in Facebook, approaching all of the shares owned by us, do you still consider what we do to avoid taxes? Are there any meaning to avoid taxes? Many friends in China wealthy, why do not they contributed 99% of their property to avoid taxes?


Yes, all the years I wore grey  T-shirts and car very simple. I reiterate, I am not the person who have long days not change. However, I bought many grey colored t- shirt. I tried to live this life as simple as possible, in order to save the mind and the time to decide things that are not important. Because choosing to wear clothes, eat breakfast, and a variety of small things that take up a lot of time and thought. I do not want to waste time only for a small problem they will be, so that I can concentrate more and doing things more beneficial to society.

I have three cars, a Toyota for USD 16 thousand, VW Golf for USD 18 thousand and Chevrolet TSX for USD 30 thousand. After Facebook went public, I replace the VW GTI for USD 30 thousand. I would argue, the car is just a means of transportation, it is not necessary that expensive.

I do not wear a variety of branded goods, which is important I feel comfortable. Why need tools excessive? If that involves excessive requirements, instead of the brain, feeling themselves more takes precedence.

Ancient Chinese sage said, 'Man must conquer the object is not conquered objects ". The point is, the life of the various materials to be used / controlled humans, not vice versa. I strongly agree with the idea of ​​that.

I salute words ever uttered Mandela, namely 'My soul is my leader, my fate is controlled by myself'. So I was not crazy branded, no benefits and very unreasonable.

What is in the hearts of that fact in the world. Believe that this world is a beautiful universe, if you do not believe, you will not be able to have the world / universe beautiful. Will not have a life that is beautiful and peaceful. This has the above is my belief and Priscilla.

Finally, if there is no pleasure, please clue! You can leave a message for me. Thank you take the time to hear what I said.



Mark Zuckerberg

Source: Buddhist Articles

The Right Answer Is ???

Senin, 21 Desember 2015

Photo Documentary Exhibition in United Nation, New York

The Book Of  Bashar al ASSADS

A book has just been released, showing in detail the atrocities of the regime of President Bashar al-Assads, shows how he was brutally tortured and killed those who oppose his rule.

A photographer secretly reveal how the horror of Assad's regime to use photographs as much as 45,000 dead bodies, victims of torture and interrogation of the military under the command of Assad.

Photographers who do not want to be named using alias, "Caesar", ventured to publish photo, even though he knows his life is threatened. Photos are printed can be said to be very terrible, but launch an international investigation on the Syrian dictator on charges of crimes against humanity.

"I've never seen anything like this," said Caesar, who was afraid of being killed by Assad. "

Before the war they were torturing prisoners for information, but now they are tortured just to kill, "quoted from the Daily Mail, Saturday (10/03/2015).

"I saw bodies that have been burnt by the candles, burned a round, in the face of a corpse. Some there are who have puncture wounds, there were eyes issued, there were teeth missing. In fact, some have many former lashes on his back, "he added

Caesar is part of a confidential forensic team Assad, part of the documentation. However, because he can not stand the cruelty he witnessed silently, he began to move these photos to a flash disk gradually since 2011-2013.

The images were also exhibited at the UN head office, in New York, demonstrate to the public and United Nations officials how ruthless Assad regime and need to be stopped.

Source : share from FB by D Rianto

Facebook Syndrome

After conducting research on human health and mental strength in the productive age, you can be classed including exposed a mental illness psychiatric problem which I refer to as 'Facebook Syndrome'. This disease arises in the United States in the year 2004/2005 beginning students of Harvard University are the first victims. After facebook syndrome outbreak in the United State then spread to bordering countries namely Mexico, Canada and then to Europe, eastern Europe, Africa, Asia and the island nation in Southeast Asia. Photos below are some people who should be responsible for the occurrence of an outbreak of mental illness called 'Facebook Syndrome' that has befallen people worldwide of all ages. I'm not discussing this new disease that occurs in the 21st century, and believed to further this disease will be discussed by experts who have been monitoring the 'facebook syndrome' because I believe in the intelligence experts to discuss the continuation of research into the phenomenon of disease 'facebook syndrome '. Since the number of addicts are found in almost all over the world who are victims, all local authorities must release funds for the people affected by the disease 'syndrome facebook'. Indonesia in particular has made a new model of insurance that applies to residents of Jakarta called BPJS Insurance.

Source : Dimas Handono Djati, Founder of mental illness 'Facebook Syndrome' n the victim of 'facebook syndrome'

Selasa, 15 Desember 2015

Donald trump

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump tonight defended his latest controversial proposal to bar Muslims from entering the United States, drawing cheers at a rally when he said “we have no idea if they love us or hate us.”

Rihanna - Diamonds

Name                  : Rihana  (Robyn Rihanna Fenty)

Occupation         : Singer

Born                    : 20 february 1988, Saint Michael,Barbados

Song                    : Diamonds.  669,519,337 view in youtube

Breaking News

French  Jet fighters bombed  children hospital in Syria.  Few years ago french fight with Nazi, now they fight with woman used umbrella and killed her baby!

Source : share from FB

Jumat, 11 Desember 2015

Sate Padang

Sate Padang dishes:

500 grams of beef
50 grams of rice flour
1/2 liter of water
Seasoning finely:

5 shallots
3 garlic
3 red chillies
2 cm turmeric, chopped
2 cm ginger, minced
2 lime leaves
1 cm ginger, minced
1 tea spoon of salt
1 1/2 lemon, which has been pounded.
1/2 tablespoon coriander powder
1/2 teaspoon ground pepper
1/2 teaspoon cumin powder
1/2 leaves turmeric
1/2 pieces of tamarind
1/4 teaspoon ground
right amount of oil

How to Make Sate Padang:

Cut the meat into 2 to 4 portions are huge.
After the stir fry all the spices until fragrant smell of spices.
Then enter a large piece of meat, then cover with a smoldering fire. Cook using small / medium fire until the water runs out of meat and meat feels soft.
After lifting the meat is soft, pieces to taste. Make into several punctures.
Then Spread the meat with oil and a mixture of spices, then grilled (meat in fuel does not need fired to dry), then put separately into a serving bowl or serving plate.
Make a sauce from a mixture of rice flour and water are incorporated into the remaining seasoning. Simmer to a boil, then add a little salt.
Flush skewers that have been placed separately with a sauce that had just made.
Afterwards sprinkle with fried onions on it.
Sate Padang ready to serve, mix with white rice, rhombus, or rice ketupat.

Kamis, 10 Desember 2015

Happy Cats in market

Many stray cats that lived in the vegetable market traders, they all look health, clean and save in they life. Several groups of feral cats also live in the Market-Santa Kebayoran Baru. In some places these stray cats become over-population without being noticed by the local government. In some places there is over population of cats and dogs, which implemented the solution by local government was killed of these cuty animals! .. There was many protest by the animal protection community because killed is the ignorant solution and uncultured. Because the incident much criticized by many parties, the local government in collaboration with the animal protection community collecting funds to carry out sterilization of female and male cats. This action is better than ever, so the feral cat population can be controlled so that does not happen again overpopulation of stray animals.

Take a rest in 14:10 pm with vegetables grocery
Feel comfortable here
hey!.. whats up man?!
More comfortable sleep here..

Batik Tools

Some experts argue pure batik is made with painting method.  In accordance with the times batik also experienced the industrial revolution. Began with home industry and then into the production from manufacturer industrial l. Photos below show a molding tool for making batik increasingly unique. This molding tools made by copper which has been formed according to the types most trend by the public.

Source : Photo from D'Solo restaurant .

Apartment in jakarta

The best location with 140 hectare near Taman Wisata Ragunan Zoo, make Foresque apartment is the most profitable investment only in jakarta. Soon have exclusive units Foresque Apartment. Get CASH BACK 100% and Umrah with Foresque (can be exchanged for a discount). 0877 8011 7475 Nira information click

Rabu, 09 Desember 2015

Fried Pastel Special

Layer Skin made with :
250 gr flour versatile
1 egg
40 g margarine
60-100 ml of water (approximated yes until the dough feels smooth)
1/2 teaspoon salt
the oil for frying

Stuffing Ingredients:

150 grams of rice noodles (flush with hot water, drained)
200 g fillet of chicken, diced
3 carrots, cut into small cubes
1 onion leaves, chopped
3 eggs boiled, split

Fine Stuffing Seasoning:

3 cloves garlic
2 red onions
salt, pepper and sugar to taste

How to Make a Special Fried Crispy Pastel:

1. Create a pastel skin first. Mix flour, margarine and eggs. Mix well. Add water little by little, stirring constantly and  briefly until smooth. Press it and print thin and round shape. Set aside.
2. For its contents, heat 1 tablespoon oil, saute ground spices until fragrant. Enter the chicken fillet, stir until it changes color. Enter the carrots and cook briefly until wilted. Enter vermicelli, season with salt, sugar and pepper. Test flavor. Add the leek.
3. Take a piece of skin that have been printed, put the stuffing, add sliced ​​hard-boiled eggs.
4. Glue the sides and gyre up neatly. Repeat until finished.
5. Heat oil and fry until golden pastel.
6. Lift up and ready to be served.

Source : Adi Sarastiani

Selasa, 08 Desember 2015

Sands River

A natural phenomenon that has occurred in Saudi Arabia sand flows into the low places like the path of water flowing in the river to the estuary!

Mining in Papua

One of the richest mines in the world located in Papua, Eastern Indonesia.

Senin, 07 Desember 2015

Breaking News

From kampung Melayu East Jakarta to Karet ..It was traffic Jam.  Over 2 Hour many Transportation cant moved.  Show on this picture. under highway  there is many car waiting the other car speed normaly.

Selasa, 01 Desember 2015

Crime in mosque

Crime can happen anywhere. Therefore women moeslem who are conducting worship at the mosque should be careful to put personal belongings in tools care.

Source : WA Share

Incubator Services Free of Charge

Incubator Services free of charge now in 22 province of Indonesia. The Incubator made by Technics Faculty of Universitas Indonesia.

Minggu, 29 November 2015

Coldplay - Viva La Vida

upload on 4  August  2008

Coldplay Live 2012, out now on DVD/CD/Blu-ray/digital. Get it from your local retailer at
Pre-VEVO play count: 24,009180
Music video by Coldplay perf

Coldplay - Paradise

Release on 18 oct 2011
- iTune
- Amazone
- Google Play

Sabtu, 28 November 2015

Sons of the Sea - Lady Black (Official Video)

Song Name             :     Sons Of The Sea

Singer                     :     Brandon Boyd

Song Writer by       :     Brandon Boyd

Selasa, 24 November 2015

The Queen Band

ON THIS DAY In Queen History -  for 23 November
QUEEN: 1973 Glasgow Apollo; 1974 Gothenburg; Konserthuset, 1975 Bournemouth Winter Gardens; 1977 Philadelphia Spectrum; 1978 St Louis Checkerdome; 1980 Zurich Hallenstadion; 1982  'Staying Power' released US; 1983 filming 'Radio Ga Ga', Shepperton; Filming1989 The Miracle'/1990 'Headlong'; 1999 5ive released "Invincible" ft Queen 'WWRY';  +PR: 2007 The Priory working on 'Say It's Not True'.  FREDDIE MERCURY: 1991 Statement on having AIDS; 1992 "Tribute Concert" VHS released UK; 2001 Photographic Exhibition opened Tokyo.  ROGER TAYLOR: 1994 Newcstle Riverside; 2009 'The Unblinking Eye (Everything Is Broken)' DL released. BRIAN MAY: 1991 worked on 'Nothin' But Blue'/wrote lyrics 'Somewhere In Time'; 1993 Hamburg Congress; 1998 Melbourne. MORE FOR DAY:

Source : Share from FB

Minggu, 22 November 2015

The Innovation Of HELMHOLTZ Formula.

Dr. Yogi Ahmad Erlangga

The figures are now being hunted by the conglomerates world oil business and first-class universities did not miss after him so he could be present on campus to hold a public lecture. Including electronic media were competing invited to talk show.

This Tasikmalaya people managed to solve the Helmholtz equation is a mathematical formula that shackles experts in science and technology for 30 years and no one is able to solve it.

'' Many experts are avoiding research to solve the Helmholtz formula because it is very difficult and complicated, '' said graduate Cum Laude Bachelor of Science from Institute Tehnologi Bandung.

When he continued his PHD in the Netherlands, lecturers from ITB, was challenged by the shell oil company for help DUT Delft University of Technology to solve the Helmholtz formula. Having conducted research to spend around 6 billion financed Shell, thanks to his genius formula was finally able to break him, which stunned the world of science and technology, and received congratulations from universities in Europe, Israel and USA

Based on these findings make a lot of the world's oil companies are very happy and asked for his help. Because, with the formula that they can be 100 times faster in finding the source of the oil in the ground through which electromagnetic waves reflected from the earth with very high accuracy.

If Yogi wants to do maintenance his intellectual property rights for his invention , maybe he will get big money . But this young scientist's full name is Yogi Ahmad Erlangga resist including a formula called the discovery by ERLANGGA EQUATION. Patents This discovery will only further hamper the development of science knowledge. Thesis PHD are arranged in Mathematics Department in the same campus in Delft, was selected as the best thesis in the Netherlands by MNC

"I want these findings be used for the greater development of science and technology, because it is a human right. This right can be guaranteed if the knowledge held by the public and is open source "said Yogi.

Industry can apply this formula include radar industry, aviation, submarine, data storage in a blue ray disc (DVD super that can contain tens of gigabytes of data), and applications on laser and other sciences associated with electromagnetic waves.
A book about the Helmholtz equation he made while still in the Netherlands too, have been sold in a short time.
'' Only one book and I do not have a copy of it again, ''

'' I still have a personal obsession. My desire was to do research on the aircraft that became his specialty Aeronautics and Astronautics, petroleum, and biomechanics, '' said award-winning VNO-NCW Scholarship from the Dutch Chamber of Commerce.

Dr. Yogi Ahmad grants, now Lecturer at Alfaisal University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia got the nickname because Habibie Young spectacular discovery in the field of mathematics. The presence of Dr. Yogi Ahmad Erlangga who are willing to work at Alfaisal University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia is also an own pride for the Indonesian Embassy in Saudi Arabia.

First, BJ Habibie find a formula that is able to shorten the crack propagation prediction until earning the nickname Mr. Crack. Many aviation industry in various countries using the formula of the invention Habibie, including NASA in America, now, Dr. Yogi Ahmad Erlangga greatness Habibie continue to find and solve the Helmholtz equation.