(Hormat kami : *Bagus Setya/PM1156 Perkeretaapian*).
Senin, 29 Oktober 2018
Mobil Mogok Saat Melintasi Rel KA
(Hormat kami : *Bagus Setya/PM1156 Perkeretaapian*).
Minggu, 06 Agustus 2017
Adversity Quotient
Perenungan atas kejadian bunuh diri kakak beradik di Bandung. Kedua korban menderita gangguan jiwa setelah ibunya meninggal dunia.
By : *Elly Risman*
(Senior Psikolog dan Konsultan, UI)
Kita tidak pernah tahu, anak kita akan terlempar ke bagian bumi yang mana nanti, maka izinkanlah dia belajar menyelesaikan masalahnya sendiri .
Jangan memainkan semua peran,
ya jadi ibu,
ya jadi koki,
ya jadi tukang cuci.
ya jadi ayah,
ya jadi supir,
ya jadi tukang ledeng,
Anda bukan anggota tim SAR!
Anak anda tidak dalam keadaan bahaya.
Tidak ada sinyal S.O.S!
Jangan selalu memaksa untuk membantu dan memperbaiki semuanya.
#Anak mengeluh karena mainan puzzlenya tidak bisa nyambung menjadi satu, "Sini...Ayah bantu!".
#Tutup botol minum sedikit susah dibuka, "Sini...Mama saja".
#Tali sepatu sulit diikat, "Sini...Ayah ikatkan".
#Kecipratan sedikit minyak
"Sudah sini, Mama aja yang masak".
Kapan anaknya bisa?
Kalau bala bantuan muncul tanpa adanya bencana,
Apa yang terjadi ketika bencana benar2 datang?
Berikan anak2 kesempatan untuk menemukan solusi mereka sendiri.
Kemampuan menangani stress,
Menyelesaikan masalah,
dan mencari solusi,
merupakan keterampilan/skill yang wajib dimiliki.
Dan skill ini harus dilatih untuk bisa terampil,
Skill ini tidak akan muncul begitu saja hanya dengan simsalabim!
Kemampuan menyelesaikan masalah dan bertahan dalam kesulitan tanpa menyerah bisa berdampak sampai puluhan tahun ke depan.
Bukan saja bisa membuat seseorang lulus sekolah tinggi,
tapi juga lulus melewati ujian badai pernikahan dan kehidupannya kelak.
Tampaknya sepele sekarang...
Secara apalah salahnya kita bantu anak?
Tapi jika anda segera bergegas menyelamatkannya dari segala kesulitan, dia akan menjadi ringkih dan mudah layu.
Sakit sedikit, mengeluh.
Berantem sedikit, minta cerai.
Masalah sedikit, jadi gila.
Jika anda menghabiskan banyak waktu, perhatian, dan uang untuk IQ nya, maka habiskan pula hal yang sama untuk AQ nya.
Apa itu?
Menurut Paul G. Stoltz,
AQ adalah kecerdasan menghadapi kesulitan atau hambatan dan kemampuan bertahan dalam berbagai kesulitan hidup dan tantangan yang dialami.
Bukankah kecerdasan ini lebih penting daripada IQ, untuk menghadapi masalah sehari-hari?
Perasaan mampu melewati ujian itu luar biasa nikmatnya.
Bisa menyelesaikan masalah, mulai dari hal yang sederhana sampai yang sulit, membuat diri semakin percaya bahwa meminta tolong hanya dilakukan ketika kita benar2 tidak sanggup lagi.
So, izinkanlah anak anda melewati kesulitan hidup...
Tidak masalah anak mengalami sedikit luka,
sedikit menangis,
sedikit kecewa,
sedikit telat,
dan sedikit kehujanan.
Tahan lidah, tangan dan hati dari memberikan bantuan.
Ajari mereka menangani frustrasi.
Kalau anda selalu jadi ibu peri atau guardian angel,
Apa yang terjadi jika anda tidak bernafas lagi esok hari?
Bisa2 anak anda ikut mati.
Sulit memang untuk tidak mengintervensi,
Ketika melihat anak sendiri susah, sakit dan sedih.
Apalagi menjadi orangtua, insting pertama adalah melindungi,
Jadi melatih AQ ini adalah ujian kita sendiri juga sebagai orangtua.
Tapi sadarilah,
hidup tidaklah mudah,
masalah akan selalu ada.
Dan mereka harus bisa bertahan.
Melewati hujan, badai, dan kesulitan,
yang kadang tidak bisa dihindari.
Selamat berjuang untuk mencetak pribadi yg kokoh dan mandiri
Source : Dewi Ratna Sari
Minggu, 22 November 2015
The Innovation Of HELMHOLTZ Formula.
Dr. Yogi Ahmad Erlangga
The figures are now being hunted by the conglomerates world oil business and first-class universities did not miss after him so he could be present on campus to hold a public lecture. Including electronic media were competing invited to talk show.
This Tasikmalaya people managed to solve the Helmholtz equation is a mathematical formula that shackles experts in science and technology for 30 years and no one is able to solve it.
'' Many experts are avoiding research to solve the Helmholtz formula because it is very difficult and complicated, '' said graduate Cum Laude Bachelor of Science from Institute Tehnologi Bandung.
When he continued his PHD in the Netherlands, lecturers from ITB, was challenged by the shell oil company for help DUT Delft University of Technology to solve the Helmholtz formula. Having conducted research to spend around 6 billion financed Shell, thanks to his genius formula was finally able to break him, which stunned the world of science and technology, and received congratulations from universities in Europe, Israel and USA
Based on these findings make a lot of the world's oil companies are very happy and asked for his help. Because, with the formula that they can be 100 times faster in finding the source of the oil in the ground through which electromagnetic waves reflected from the earth with very high accuracy.
If Yogi wants to do maintenance his intellectual property rights for his invention , maybe he will get big money . But this young scientist's full name is Yogi Ahmad Erlangga resist including a formula called the discovery by ERLANGGA EQUATION. Patents This discovery will only further hamper the development of science knowledge. Thesis PHD are arranged in Mathematics Department in the same campus in Delft, was selected as the best thesis in the Netherlands by MNC
"I want these findings be used for the greater development of science and technology, because it is a human right. This right can be guaranteed if the knowledge held by the public and is open source "said Yogi.
Industry can apply this formula include radar industry, aviation, submarine, data storage in a blue ray disc (DVD super that can contain tens of gigabytes of data), and applications on laser and other sciences associated with electromagnetic waves.
A book about the Helmholtz equation he made while still in the Netherlands too, have been sold in a short time.
'' Only one book and I do not have a copy of it again, ''
'' I still have a personal obsession. My desire was to do research on the aircraft that became his specialty Aeronautics and Astronautics, petroleum, and biomechanics, '' said award-winning VNO-NCW Scholarship from the Dutch Chamber of Commerce.
Dr. Yogi Ahmad grants, now Lecturer at Alfaisal University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia got the nickname because Habibie Young spectacular discovery in the field of mathematics. The presence of Dr. Yogi Ahmad Erlangga who are willing to work at Alfaisal University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia is also an own pride for the Indonesian Embassy in Saudi Arabia.
First, BJ Habibie find a formula that is able to shorten the crack propagation prediction until earning the nickname Mr. Crack. Many aviation industry in various countries using the formula of the invention Habibie, including NASA in America, now, Dr. Yogi Ahmad Erlangga greatness Habibie continue to find and solve the Helmholtz equation.
Senin, 08 Desember 2014
Nano Technology
Indonesia development of nano technology was done since about 2000. Over 10 Last year appeared various applications.
Innovation has been growing field of nanotechnology The new venture instrumentation capable penetrate the world market.
Nanotechnology or substances engineering technology
scale of nanometers, or billionths of a meter past
development has not quite long.
The concept was first introduced in the late 1959 by Richard Feynman, physicist from America who later won the Nobel Prize in Physics
However, nanotechnology was already investigated first by Professor Norio Taniguchi of Tokyo Science University. In 1940, he began studied the mechanism of nano material Quarts crystal, silicon, and ceramic alumina by using an ultrasonic machine.
Miniaturization of material until the molecular order conducted, among others, fueled by demand size reduction of electronic devices and
computer. With the presence of the nano particles, integrated circuit or IC measuring 1 centimeter
square, for example, can be loaded with billions of transistors
so that the circuit capacity
terabyte, no longer gigabytes.
Potential application of nanotechnology in fact greater, not merely to make nano material for microelectronic devices, but
also for other industries. Application of nano materials not only on the technical stuff, but also in food products, pharmaceuticals, and
The application of nanotechnology in various fields
will change the life of modern society.
By creating nanometer-scale particles, then getting inside between particles micron-sized, will produce the type of material
super new character, such as the level of violence, delivery of electrical, and magnetic properties.
With the advantages that will be produced products
quality, which is not easy to wear, saving energy
because the heat-resistant, and does not require
cooling. Thus, it will save
operational and maintenance costs as well as friendly
Titan combines nanoscale materials Nitrile on
will produce a ceramic composite material
new diamond hardness exceeded. If
nano materials used in paint, will have an effect
anti scratch, waterproof, and reflect the heat.
The particle nano paint will make home or vehicle remains cool even though exposed the sun.
Innovation in Indonesia In creating innovation in the field of
nanotechnology, researchers Indonesia no less with foreign researchers. Some works of innovation nano technologies in Indonesia exhibited in R & D Ritech Expo 2010. The exhibition, which ends Sunday (22/8) was showing around 28 products
nano technology innovation work of the nation.
Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi
(BPPT), for example, featuring plastic packaging
and components of the solid electrolyte in fuel cells
nano composite material made of polymer.
The packaging materials are waterproof and air,
while the heat and electrolyte delivery electricity much better.
Meanwhile, researchers at the Center for Materials and
Technical Ministry of Industry (B4T
Kemperin) managed to make paint from precipitated
calcium carbonate (PCC) nanoscale.
PCC makes use of paint under construction
sea scratch resistance, salt fog resistant, and very
While nanosilica made Nurul Taufiqu
Rochman of Applied Physics Research Center
Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI),
when blended cement can produce concrete the magnitude of twice the strength of ordinary concrete.
Nano material applications also performed Andrea Marisi Dame Siahaan of B4T Kemperin. He
make spreader layer (diffuser) to light LED light alloy nano compound BCNO (Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen). By coating This nano, level LED lighting power 6 watts can equal 60 watt incandescent bulb.
Nano magnet also being designed for the system micro hydro power plant capacity 5 kilowatts. Head of Central Metal and Engineering (BBLM) Kemperin Muhammad Word
estimates, in two years, nano magnet
can already be applied to the system. Nano magnet will reduce half the diameter turbines, but the same capacity.
Meanwhile, nano material has been successfully infiltrated the commercial product produced by the national industry, among others, in
crystal display TV, sensors, textiles, cosmetics, drugs, and food. In cosmetics, there are moisturizers
nano cell made. This nano element can close better wrinkles and brighten the face. Grinding machine
To produce all materials and
nanoscale components, the key is
the material grinding machine. Maker nano particles, among others, made researchers in BBLM
Kemperin and Applied Physics Research Center
Nano materials making machine works Nurul Taufiqu
Rochman of LIPI then push
establishment of PT Nano tech Indonesia to producing works of this innovation. This machine only
draws about 12 percent of the engine kind. Machine called high energy milling (HEM) was booked by University Kebangsaan Malaysia for research purposes and further development. "With this machine, Indonesia is likely to be nano materials supplier in the global market due mine has abundant raw materials, "
Nurul said who is also Chairman of Society Nano Indonesia. This innovation also provides
great advantage. Smooth the iron sand into nano particles,
for example, can increase the value added 4,000 times. The high demand for mineral sands
nano-sized iron due to a variety of benefits, ie as high strength concrete, material sensors, membranes, and printer toner.
Less desirable Currently nanotechnology innovation began many used industry in Indonesia. Based Community surveys conducted Nano Indonesia, from 40 industries engaged in textiles, ceramics, electronics, and chemicals, there approximately 38 percent of which have utilized
materials and nano-tech machines. However, unfortunately about 90 percent of the product
import. Minister of Research and Technology Suharna Surapranata
lamented that fact. In fact, researchers Indonesia has produced a variety of works nano technology innovation. To overcome this,
Department research of Technology will increase synergies and intermediation with related parties that occur diffusion of nanotechnology in the industry.
By Yuni Ikawati
Minggu, 23 November 2014
The inventor from Indonesia
Rabu, 19 November 2014
The inventor an amount of human chromosome from Indonesia.
An expert Cytogenetics in 1955 found that chromosome of human totaling 23 chromosome and all geneticist in last time they believed
on human chromosome an amount of 24 chromosome.
![]() | |
Dr. Joe Hio Tjio on 2001. |
Selasa, 18 November 2014
The innovator of science and technology
Discovery Freezing Technique
Sperm Research by Dr.Mulyoto Pangestu of effort freezing the sperm of animals in a way
simple and inexpensive give him
won the highest award (Gold Award)
Young Inventors Awards competition, which The magazine held Far Eastern Economic Review (FEER) and Hewlett Packard Asia Pacific.
The discovery of Dr. Mulyoto is very useful for scientists and doctors in the country developing the lack of funds to hold the cooling equipment.
Cold storage equipment for storing
organic materials usually require
liquid nitrogen as a cooling agent
(Coolant). In addition to the tanks are expensive and eat place, liquid nitrogen is very dangerous.
You see, in order to remain liquid, this type nitrogen
should be kept below minus 196
degrees Celsius. Dr.Mulyoto Pangestu actually found how to dry and store sperm at room temperature because it use the services of nitrogen gas.This makes Dr.Mulyoto beat hundreds of competitors from various countries in Asia Pacific material
wearing very cheap, only Rp
2500, -. The material used is a two-tier mini plastic tube (0.250 ml size and 0.500 ml) were sealed with heat (heat-sealed), then wrapped again with aluminum foil. Biology doctoral candidate from Monash University is calling process drying sperm discovery as evaporative drying (evaporative drying).
Sperm drying or storage
sperm at room temperature, is already reported since the 1970's. However, these reports are still limited information. Only in July 1998, Wakayama and Yanagimachi of the University of Hawaii publish their findings on the journal Nature Biotechnology, such as birth
child mice fertilized using dried and frozen sperm (freeze-dried sperm).
After looking at several other studies
and the study of literature, finally Dr.Mulyoto and supervisor, Dr. Jillian Shaw, concludes that sperm can be stored in a conditions dry and oxygen-free. Result Dr.Mulyoto invention is packaging storage of dried and frozen sperm does not require special handling and
the results can still be used even after stored for years. Indeed, sperm
animals that have been dried with This Dr Mulyoto method is not able to move again (immotile),
and by examination using
dyes, it is known that sperm
"Dead". In order to fertilize the egg, cell sperm must be injected into the egg. This technique is known as the
Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) and already widely used in the manufacture of baby human tube.
Dr.Mulyoto at all not tried out the method for sperm humans because of ethics permit only for animals. Sperm are already drained from mice (mice),marmosets (a type of monkey), and also wombat
(Native to Australia). Dr. Mulyoto invention now is in the process patented in Australia.
Patents of Dr.Mulyoto invention now belong to Monash University, but he still will listed as the inventor.