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Rabu, 20 November 2024

Elon Musk: Proyek, Visi, Misi, Manfaat untuk Kemanusiaan


Elon Musk adalah salah satu tokoh paling terkenal dalam dunia teknologi dan bisnis saat ini. Dengan berbagai inovasi yang telah membawa perubahan besar di berbagai industri, ia dikenal sebagai seorang visioner yang berani mengambil risiko besar untuk menciptakan masa depan yang lebih baik. Musk tidak hanya fokus pada pencapaian finansial, tetapi juga berkomitmen untuk mengatasi tantangan global, termasuk perubahan iklim, ketergantungan pada bahan bakar fosil, serta memajukan eksplorasi luar angkasa.

                             Mr. Elon Musk

Artikel ini akan membahas berbagai proyek yang telah dan sedang dijalankan oleh Elon Musk, visi dan misinya, manfaat dari proyek-proyek tersebut untuk umat manusia, kekayaan pribadinya pada tahun 2024, serta gaya hidupnya, termasuk fashion yang sering ia kenakan dalam kegiatan sehari-hari.

Proyek-Poyek yang Pernah dan Sedang Dibuat oleh Elon Musk

1. Zip2 (1996-1999)

Proyek pertama Musk yang berhasil adalah Zip2, sebuah perusahaan perangkat lunak yang menyediakan peta dan direktori kota untuk surat kabar. Musk mendirikan Zip2 bersama saudaranya, Kimbal Musk, pada tahun 1995. Proyek ini berhasil dijual ke Compaq pada tahun 1999 dengan harga hampir $300 juta. Hasil dari penjualan ini memberikan Musk modal awal untuk proyek-proyek selanjutnya.

2. PayPal (1999-2002)

Setelah menjual Zip2, Musk mendirikan, sebuah perusahaan layanan pembayaran online yang kelak akan berkembang menjadi PayPal. PayPal memungkinkan orang untuk melakukan transaksi keuangan secara mudah di internet, yang pada waktu itu sangat revolusioner. PayPal diakuisisi oleh eBay pada tahun 2002 dengan harga sekitar $1,5 miliar. Musk menerima sekitar $165 juta dari penjualan tersebut. PayPal kemudian menjadi salah satu platform pembayaran terbesar di dunia.

3. SpaceX (2002-sekarang)

Space Exploration Technologies Corp., lebih dikenal sebagai SpaceX, adalah salah satu proyek terbesar dan paling ambisius yang didirikan oleh Musk pada tahun 2002. Tujuan utamanya adalah untuk mengurangi biaya penerbangan luar angkasa dan memungkinkan kolonisasi Mars. Beberapa pencapaian besar dari SpaceX meliputi:

Falcon 1: Roket pertama yang dikembangkan oleh SpaceX yang berhasil mencapai orbit pada 2008.

Falcon 9: Roket pengorbit yang dapat digunakan kembali, yang revolusioner dalam menurunkan biaya penerbangan luar angkasa.

Dragon: Kapsul yang digunakan untuk membawa barang ke Stasiun Luar Angkasa Internasional (ISS) serta misi-misi manusia.

Visi jangka panjang SpaceX adalah untuk membuat manusia menjadi spesies multiplanet, dengan Mars sebagai tujuan utama.

4. Tesla, Inc. (2004-sekarang)

Musk bergabung dengan Tesla Motors (sekarang Tesla, Inc.) pada 2004, meskipun perusahaan ini didirikan oleh Martin Eberhard dan Marc Tarpenning. Musk membantu Tesla untuk berkembang menjadi pemimpin dalam mobil listrik dan energi terbarukan. Beberapa produk Tesla yang terkenal antara lain:

Model S: Sedan listrik mewah yang mampu menempuh jarak jauh dengan sekali pengisian daya.

Model 3: Mobil listrik yang lebih terjangkau dan menjadi kendaraan listrik terlaris di dunia.

Cybertruck: Truk listrik dengan desain futuristik yang menghadirkan inovasi pada industri kendaraan komersial.

Tesla Powerwall: Sistem penyimpanan energi untuk rumah tangga dan bisnis yang mendukung penggunaan energi terbarukan.

Tesla bertujuan untuk mempercepat transisi dunia menuju energi berkelanjutan melalui mobil listrik dan penyimpanan energi.

5. SolarCity (2006-2016)

Pada 2006, Musk mendirikan SolarCity, sebuah perusahaan penyedia solusi energi surya. SolarCity menyediakan instalasi panel surya untuk rumah tangga dan bisnis, yang berfokus pada mengurangi ketergantungan pada energi fosil. SolarCity diakuisisi oleh Tesla pada tahun 2016 dan menjadi bagian dari inisiatif Tesla untuk mempercepat penggunaan energi terbarukan.

6. The Boring Company (2016-sekarang)

The Boring Company adalah perusahaan yang didirikan oleh Musk untuk membangun terowongan bawah tanah guna mengatasi kemacetan lalu lintas di kota-kota besar. Salah satu proyek utamanya adalah Loop, sistem transportasi cepat berbasis kendaraan listrik yang bergerak dalam terowongan bawah tanah. Proyek ini bertujuan untuk mengurangi kemacetan lalu lintas dan menciptakan sistem transportasi yang lebih efisien dan ramah lingkungan.

7. Neuralink (2016-sekarang)

Neuralink adalah perusahaan neuroteknologi yang didirikan oleh Musk untuk mengembangkan perangkat yang dapat menghubungkan otak manusia dengan komputer. Tujuan utama dari Neuralink adalah untuk mengatasi berbagai gangguan neurologis dan, dalam jangka panjang, mengembangkan antarmuka otak-komputer yang memungkinkan manusia untuk berinteraksi dengan mesin secara langsung. Musk melihat potensi besar dalam teknologi ini untuk memperbaiki kualitas hidup manusia, terutama bagi mereka yang memiliki gangguan saraf.

8. OpenAI (2015-sekarang)

Meskipun Musk kini tidak lagi terlibat aktif dalam manajemen OpenAI, perusahaan ini didirikan pada 2015 untuk mengembangkan kecerdasan buatan (AI) yang aman dan bermanfaat bagi umat manusia. OpenAI bertujuan untuk menciptakan AI yang dapat membantu memecahkan tantangan global, seperti perubahan iklim, penyakit, dan pendidikan. Musk sangat peduli dengan dampak jangka panjang AI terhadap manusia dan memperingatkan potensi risiko yang dapat ditimbulkan oleh AI yang tidak terkendali.

Visi dan Misi Elon Musk

Visi Elon Musk adalah untuk menciptakan dunia yang lebih baik melalui inovasi dan teknologi. Beberapa prinsip utama yang memandu visi Musk meliputi:

Keberlanjutan Energi: Mengurangi ketergantungan pada bahan bakar fosil dan menciptakan solusi energi yang lebih bersih dan terbarukan.

Kolonisasi Mars: Membuat umat manusia menjadi spesies multiplanet untuk memastikan kelangsungan hidup jangka panjang peradaban manusia.

Inovasi Berkelanjutan: Menyelesaikan masalah besar melalui teknologi, seperti kendaraan listrik yang ramah lingkungan, dan neuroteknologi yang dapat membantu orang dengan gangguan otak.

Musk percaya bahwa dengan pendekatan ini, dia dapat mengatasi masalah global seperti perubahan iklim, ketergantungan pada energi fosil, dan risiko keberlangsungan peradaban manusia.

Manfaat Proyek Elon Musk untuk Kemanusiaan

Proyek-proyek Elon Musk memberikan dampak positif yang signifikan terhadap umat manusia dan kemanusiaan secara keseluruhan:

Mengurangi Dampak Perubahan Iklim: Tesla dan SolarCity berkontribusi pada pengurangan emisi karbon dengan mempromosikan kendaraan listrik dan solusi energi terbarukan.

Penyediaan Energi Bersih: Inovasi Tesla dalam teknologi baterai dan penyimpanan energi memungkinkan transisi yang lebih cepat menuju penggunaan energi terbarukan.

Penerbangan Luar Angkasa: SpaceX memungkinkan akses luar angkasa yang lebih murah dan berkelanjutan, yang membuka potensi eksplorasi luar angkasa lebih lanjut dan bahkan kemungkinan kolonisasi planet lain.

Meningkatkan Kualitas Hidup: Neuralink berpotensi memperbaiki kehidupan miliaran orang yang menderita gangguan neurologis, dan teknologi AI yang dikembangkan oleh OpenAI dapat digunakan untuk memecahkan masalah besar yang dihadapi umat manusia.

Kekayaan Pribadi Elon Musk pada Tahun 2024

Pada tahun 2024, Elon Musk diperkirakan memiliki kekayaan pribadi sekitar $240 miliar USD, meskipun jumlah ini dapat bervariasi tergantung pada fluktuasi pasar saham dan valuasi perusahaan-perusahaan yang dia pimpin, seperti Tesla dan SpaceX. Musk terus menjadi salah satu orang terkaya di dunia, berkat keberhasilan proyek-proyek teknologi yang ia jalankan, serta kepemilikan saham di perusahaan-perusahaan tersebut.

Fashion Sehari-hari Elon Musk

Meskipun terkenal dengan pencapaian luar biasa dalam dunia teknologi, Elon Musk juga dikenal memiliki gaya hidup yang sederhana dan tidak terlalu menonjolkan kesan mewah dalam penampilannya.

Pagi Hari di Kantor: Di kantor, Musk sering terlihat mengenakan pakaian kasual, seperti kaos polos atau t-shirt berwarna gelap, celana jeans atau celana panjang hitam, dan sepatu kets atau sneakers. Terkadang, ia mengenakan jaket ringan atau blazer untuk pertemuan penting.

Saat Santai: Ketika santai, Musk biasanya memilih pakaian yang lebih nyaman, seperti kaos dengan logo atau tulisan yang berhubungan dengan proyek-proyeknya, atau pakaian olahraga. Musk juga dikenal sering menggunakan hoodie atau jaket kasual dalam kegiatan sehari-hari.

Saat Berlibur: Saat berlibur bersama keluarga, Musk cenderung memilih pakaian yang lebih santai dan nyaman. Ia mungkin mengenakan pakaian kasual

Jumat, 20 Januari 2017

Pidato Michelle Obama

Pidato Michele Obama ini,  mungkin perlu juga untuk kita renungkan.

A post by Michelle Obama. Every couple should read....

Sebuah post dari Michelle Obama, yang baik untuk dibaca setiap pasangan.

1. There is nothing that threatens the security of a wife than the thought of another woman competing for the attention and affection of her husband. Nothing is more painful. Nothing is more disrespecting. Nothing is more insulting. Nothing is more belittling and degrading.

Tidak ada yang lebih menakutkan seorang istri dari pemikiran adanya wanita lain yang bersaing untuk perhatian dan kasih sayang dari sang suami. Tak ada yang lebih menyakitkan, tidak menghargai, memalukan, mengecilkan hati dan merendahkan daripada itu.

2. Marriage flourishes when the couple works together as a team; when both husband and wife decide that winning together is more important than keeping score.
Good marriages don't just happen. They are a product of hard work.

Rumah tangga berkembang dengan baik bila pasangan bekerja sama. Ketika suami isteri memutuskan bahwa kemenangan bersama lebih penting dari saling mengalahkan. Rumah tangga yang baik tidak terjadi begitu saja, tapi adalah hasil dari kerja keras.

3. Your children are watching you and forming lasting opinions on love, commitment, and marriage based on what they see in you. Give them hope. Make them look forward to marriage.

Anak2mu mengamatimu dan membentuk pandangan tentang cinta kasih, tanggungjawab dan pernikahan, dari apa yang mereka lihat. Beri mereka harapan. Tunjukkan bahwa pernikahan dan rumah tangga adalah sesuatu yang harus dinanti nantikan.

4. Husbands: The reason why other women look attractive is because someone is taking good care of them. Grass is always green where it is watered. Instead of drooling over the green grass on the other side of the fence, work on yours and water it regularly. Any man can admire a beautiful woman, but it takes a true gentleman to make his woman admirable and beautiful.

Bagi suami; wanita lain tampak menarik karena ada yang merawat mereka.  Sesuatu yang dirawat itu pasti indah. Daripada ngiler lihat yang lain, rawatlah apa yang kau punya. Semua lelaki bisa mengagumi wanita lain, tapi hanya lelaki sejati yang bisa membuat istri (merasa) cantik dan dikagumi.

5. When a husband puts his wife first above everyone and everything except God, it gives his wife the sense of security and honor that every wife hungers for.

Bila suami mendahulukan istri di atas apapun (kecuali Tuhan), itu memberi istri perasaan aman dan dihargai, yang sangat didambakan setiap istri.

6. A successful marriage doesn't require a big house, a perfect spouse, a million dollars or an expensive car. You can have all the above and still have a miserable marriage. A successful marriage requires honesty, undying commitment and selfless love at the center of it all.

Rumah tangga yang baik tidak memerlukan rumah bagus, pasangan yang sempurna, mobil mewah dan harta berlimpah. Orang bisa saja punya semua itu tapi tetap tidak bahagia. Yang utama adalah kejujuran, tanggung jawab untuk bersama selamanya dan kasih sayang yang tidak mengutamakan diri sendiri.

7. Pray for your spouse every day; in the morning, in the afternoon and at evening. Don’t wait until there is a problem. Don’t wait until there is an affair. Don’t wait until something bad happens. Don’t wait until your spouse is tempted. Shield your spouse with prayer and cover your marriage with the fence of prayer.

Doakan pasanganmu setiap saat, pagi siang dan malam hari. Jangan tunggu sampai ada masalah, ada perselingkuhan, dan ada sesuatu buruk terjadi. Lindungi pasanganmu dan rumah tanggamu dengan doa.

8. The people you surround yourself with have a lot of influence on your marriage. Friends can build or break your marriage; choose them wisely.

Orang2 di sekelilingmu punya peranan penting dalam rumah tanggamu. Seorang teman bisa membangun atau menghancurkannya, pilihlah teman dengan bijaksana.

9. One spouse cannot build a marriage alone when the other spouse is committed to destroying it. Marriage works when both husband and wife work together as a team to build their marriage.

Rumah tangga yang baik tidak bisa dibangun oleh suami atau istri saja, dimana pasangannya berusaha menghancurkannya. Suami dan istri harus bekerja sama membangun pernikahan yang baik.

10. Don't take your spouse for granted. Don't take advantage of your spouse's meekness and goodness. Don't mistake your spouse's loyalty for desperation. Don't misuse or abuse your spouse's trust. You may end up regretting after losing someone that meant so much to you.

Jangan pernah mengabaikan pasanganmu dan memanfaatkan kebaikannya. Kesetiaan pasanganmu jangan diartikan keputus asaan. Jangan menyalahgunakan kepercayaan pasangan, karena akan berakibat penyesalan setelah kehilangan seseorang yang sangat berarti bagimu.

11. Beware of marital advice from single people. Regardless of how sincere their advice may sound, most of it is theoretical and not derived from real life experiences. If you really need Godly advice, seek it from God-fearing, impartial and prayerful mature couples whose resolve has been tested by time and shaped by trials.

Waspadalah dengan nasihat pernikahan dari seseorang yang masih single. Setulus apapun itu hanya berdasarkan teori dan bukan pengalaman hidup. Kalau perlu nasihat, carilah dari pasangan yang matang, yang telah membangun rumah tangganya dengan penuh doa dan ketakwaan pada Tuhan, yang telah teruji oleh waktu dan berbagai cobaan.

12. Dear couple, Don't underestimate the power of the tongue on your marriage. The tongue has the power to crush your marriage or build it up. Don't let the Devil use your tongue to kill your spouse's image, self-confidence and aspirations.
Use your tongue to build up your marriage and bless and praise your spouse.

Bagi suami dan istri; jangan meremehkan peranan lidah dalam rumah tangga. Apa yang kau katakan bisa menghancurkannya atau membangunnya. Jangan gunakan lidahmu untuk menghancurkan image (gambaran), kepercayaan diri, dan aspirasi (keinginan) dari pasangan. Gunakanlah untuk membangun rumah tanggamu, untuk memuji dan merahmati pasanganmu

GOD bless you all

Source : Waseso

Kamis, 11 Februari 2016

Rio Haryanto

Name      :                Rio Haryanto
Nationality    :              Indonesian
                   Born :    22 January 1993 (age 23) Surakarta, 

Indonesia GP2 Series career Debut season 2012 Current team Campos Racing Car no.15 Former teams Carlin, 
Barwa Addax Team, 
EQ8 Caterham Racing Starts91 Champion ships 0 Wins 3 Poles 1 Fastest laps 2 Best  finish 4 in 2015 Previous series 2010–11, 2011,2008–09,2009,2009,2008–09,2008 GP3 Series
Auto GP
Formula BMW Pacific
Australian Formula Three
Formula BMW Europe
Asian Formula Renault
Formula Asia 2.0 Championship titles 2009 Formula BMW Pacific

Rio Haryanto

Rio Haryanto

Selasa, 22 Desember 2015

The most beautiful heart in the world

Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, in front of his fans in China.


I, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook. I was the one who reported as a wealthy young man who had no news gossip, someone who loved his wife, and the Mark who has a baby face look. Today I want to use few minutes to chat with friends in China, to term you 'Estella'.

Similarly, at the beginning of my speech this year in Beijing Qing Hua University, I tried as much as possible using Chinese. However, due to the limited ability of Chinese language, I apologize if there are less pleased and tried to speak as possible.

Yesterday I had just become a father, friends whole world congratulated me and our family, I am deeply moved, but not a few Chinese friends who express their suspicions, they will be mainly two questions:
1. Why am I taken a woman was not pretty?
2. Why did I donate my facebook property USD 45 billion,was that for hiding taxes?

My friends recommend me should not answer outstanding questions. Bill Gates, the famous singer Shakira, and I would not argue to answer that questions.

I understand what their thinking, I using the metaphors used by famous Chinese philosopher Zhuang Zi, the 'Frog in the bottom of well can not be likened on the ocean, a caterpillar in summer could not be described as ice'.

They also say, the way you view the world, the world as that is what you see. You do not believe the beauty of the world, by itself you will not have the beauty of the world.

Many Chinese who have various modes, like many grass-shrub in their hearts, they are reluctant to open their hearts to receive sunlight is so beautiful.

They (friends) not belittle you, just worried. I think even if I explain to you also do not understand or will not want to understand. Thus I became an idiot, besides wasting time and thought also makes dry mouth alone.

Currently, the age of the Internet, even though the summer caterpillars have never felt the winter, we can use today's technology to make them feel the winter, as well as a frog who had never seen the ocean, we were able to make them feel like what the oceans. Nowadays things can be realized with technology.

For that reason I decided to answer two questions of you. As well as answering more of your questions, for example, why I did not buy a luxury car, and also why it is always just wearing the same T-shirt.

This year I met First Lady of you all while visiting United States, when I talked with Jack Ma / Ma Yun (Founder / Owner Alibaba) and Pony Ma / Ma Hua Teng (Founder / Owner Tencent / QQ / We Chat) about why I married a women are not pretty. At that time I had not donated assets / stock up to me, so it's not yet time to assess the contribution to avoid the tax or not.

I just sat clarify the issue, but not give an explanation. I do not need to explain my personal problem. But I could not resist explaining to Jack Ma and Pony Ma feelings and my thoughts.

Either, they both do not understand what I have said. I suspect they are not yet fully understood. But it doesnt matter, I would repeat to explain in detail to all friend in China that who sympathetic to me.

I can not stand cover excitement over the birth of my daughter. Either you do not know, beforehand, we have bitter experience that my wife suffered three miscarriages, before we really wanted to have children, but my wife had three miscarriages.

When you think immediately get the child, you will feel everything is full of hope. You start thinking child would like, and plan everything for them in the future. But then, everything did not happen.

Dear my friends!
What you can imagine, as a mother graduated from Faculty of Medicine at Harvard University and a father who is rich, but three times failed to have children. You can imagine what the feeling and experience of us? As a husband and wife in general, this time we were so excited to get children and also so sad when the first loss of a child due to miscarriage. We hugged each other, love each other, support each other, together passing through a difficult time, day or night.

Bad experience that we experienced, most people will not talk about abortion with outsiders. Just as you have a deficiency, or has made a mistake that led to it they will occur. For that you can only deal with it themselves.

A man so eager to become a father, but had three failures. But now they will dream has become conviction, I'm really excited .. Please pray for the little Max to be healthy and happy always.

Now I answer your question. The first question, why I was taken a woman is not pretty?


I have many opportunities to see a variety of beautiful women. However, what is called the most beautiful woman to be like glass, if sick spoiled like a princess; and also diseases arrogant. And also will ask me why it is so rich but do not want to change cars? I know where they are willing to show off in a neighborhood friend.
Therefore, even though as beautiful as any woman, if his heart is only demanded / requested, still looks ugly, soul also dirty. Thus the woman then said to be a bad looking woman, was given free I do not want to.

Beauty outside will decrease in value with age, but the beauty of the inside will increase in value with age. In this case the economists on Wall Street would understand, so I was with them, it will not come into contact with objects that rapidly impaired.


A woman's face is the mirror of one's heartstrings, dazzling smile forever. Since pregnant, Priscilla completely ignores the changes in his expression as a result of her pregnancy. Remain modest dress, without grooming, yet happiness I feel completely and also appear to others.

I love the simplicity of Priscilla. I loved his performance: passionate but wise, courageous yet loving, spirited leader, but also can support others. I love the whole. When with him, I feel very comfortable and relaxed.

I did not feel Priscilla flattered me. In addition to having a high intelligence quotient, he also has the emotional intelligence / social high. Do not forget that Priscilla is a graduate of the Department of Medicine, Harvard University. You can try to test the university entrance TSB, majoring in Law, Medicine, Economics is a department that became the bone of contention. Although not necessarily pass the entry test you can pass full. If you want to say flattered, more precisely I were honored to Priscilla, not vice versa.

Marriage is like a pair of shoes. only that wear out shoes comfortable to wear or not. Priscilla is best suited for me. I and Priscilla is the most ideal partner on this earth. I became acquainted with Priscilla while waiting in line at the toilet. In the eyes of Priscilla, I was a nerd. It is a mate.

In your eyes, Priscilla is a woman who is not beautiful. But in my eyes, she is a beautiful woman and the most compatible with me. I could not resist showing off my photos with Priscilla were so happy. I appear in the photo and Priscilla was so happy, peaceful, and natural.

Tips for you: some women only see the ugliness of others, did not see the beauty of others. Thus, happiness will leave you, not paired. For, what is in the heart that is in reality.


You think, I contributed USD 45 Billion nothing to show off wealth or tax evasion? What your brain or my brain is problematic? What we donate USD 45 billion in the form of shares in fact, not the actual value. but only the market value. Can be higher or lower value, this depends on the market decide.

Funds donated to be used as an endowment to be invested into schools and hospitals. At birth our children, our visit to the hospital, intends to be able to contribute in the world of medicine.

Along with the development of technology advanced rapidly, we sincerely hope that the next 100 years. Almost all diseases can be prevented and treated. Nowadays, most people die of heart disease, cancer, stroke, and other infectious diseases. It is hoped they will be able to overcome various diseases more quickly. When she realized our children and many other children are likely to avoid many diseases, we all have a responsibility to realize that dream. I reiterate once again, my wife and I will contribute as much as possible for that purpose.

In Silicon Valley, "Change the World" that word is not just a slogan. He is a conviction and strength. A dream we hope through our efforts to improve the quality of education, medicine, the integration of the world, to be donated back to the community, to change the world. Build a better world for all mankind.

ladys and gentlemen, we are making efforts "Change The World", what have you done? I hear many of you complain, I want to say that there is no means to complain, actions that are more meaningful.

I and Priscilla donate 99% of our shares in Facebook, approaching all of the shares owned by us, do you still consider what we do to avoid taxes? Are there any meaning to avoid taxes? Many friends in China wealthy, why do not they contributed 99% of their property to avoid taxes?


Yes, all the years I wore grey  T-shirts and car very simple. I reiterate, I am not the person who have long days not change. However, I bought many grey colored t- shirt. I tried to live this life as simple as possible, in order to save the mind and the time to decide things that are not important. Because choosing to wear clothes, eat breakfast, and a variety of small things that take up a lot of time and thought. I do not want to waste time only for a small problem they will be, so that I can concentrate more and doing things more beneficial to society.

I have three cars, a Toyota for USD 16 thousand, VW Golf for USD 18 thousand and Chevrolet TSX for USD 30 thousand. After Facebook went public, I replace the VW GTI for USD 30 thousand. I would argue, the car is just a means of transportation, it is not necessary that expensive.

I do not wear a variety of branded goods, which is important I feel comfortable. Why need tools excessive? If that involves excessive requirements, instead of the brain, feeling themselves more takes precedence.

Ancient Chinese sage said, 'Man must conquer the object is not conquered objects ". The point is, the life of the various materials to be used / controlled humans, not vice versa. I strongly agree with the idea of ​​that.

I salute words ever uttered Mandela, namely 'My soul is my leader, my fate is controlled by myself'. So I was not crazy branded, no benefits and very unreasonable.

What is in the hearts of that fact in the world. Believe that this world is a beautiful universe, if you do not believe, you will not be able to have the world / universe beautiful. Will not have a life that is beautiful and peaceful. This has the above is my belief and Priscilla.

Finally, if there is no pleasure, please clue! You can leave a message for me. Thank you take the time to hear what I said.



Mark Zuckerberg

Source: Buddhist Articles

Minggu, 13 September 2015

The Gift Medal For The President Of Republic Indonesia.

The leader Of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia welcomes to President of Republic Indonesia Mr. Joko Widodo and his entourage.
At the time of the bilateral conversations, Mr. President Joko Widodo invited the investors from Saudi Arabia to invest in Indonesia.
Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia gave a medal 'Star Of The Order Of The King Abdul Aziz Al Saud' To the President of the Republic Indonesia Mr. Joko Widodo as his contribution to improve cooperation between The Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Government of Republic Indonesia.

Selasa, 27 Januari 2015

Award for Susi Pujiastuti And Puan Maharani

The Minister of coordinating Human Development and Culture Puan Maharani and the Minister of Marine and Fisheries Susi Pujiastuti got award from Indonesian World Record Museum (MURI).

Requested From Jokowi To Resign, Budi Gunawan Refused

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta 
President Joko Widodo had filed request to Indonesia Chief Police Candidate, General Budi Gunawan, for withdrew from the nomination. 

Jumat, 12 Desember 2014

Ebola in Indonesia

BBC Indonesia
Two Indonesian workers in East Java declared free of Ebola after undergoing laboratory tests, the Ministry of Health.
Head of Research and Development
Health Tjandra Yoga Aditama say
all samples from cases of Madiun and Kediri