
Selasa, 27 Agustus 2013

Ritz Carlton Pacific Place Jakarta

Marah Laut  C Noer and Chairani Jusuf Kala
wedding reception
in 25 august 2013.

This event is a wedding reception the daughter of ex vice-president of the Republic of Indonesia Mr. M Jusuf Kala and Mr. Arifin C Noer. The first impression when I was at this party is a comfortable. The rooms were big which matched with the room in the Maimoon Palace in Medan City. Field. Malayu style indoor decoration or similar with Brunei royal palace. It looks like the room is dominated by gold colour and candlesticks and fruit bowl made ​​of crystal. When I saw big table where fruit is placed looked impression a romantic with dim lighting.
Seen some state leaders were present at the event, among others, the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Prime Minister of Malaysia and the leaders of political parties.  Which I have written in this article is not about celebrities but the arrangement of the room, the lighting, the way the presentation of food and the most important is the food menu delicious accompanied by the hospitality of the waiters. I asked permission to take a picture of food to the cateres and they was explain to me in detail. Turns behind me there are many people who want to take picture of the food. They consist of a culinary website manager and magazines.

Roast beef seasoning

Grilled lamb chops

Variety of salads

My favorite one 'Oncom goreng'

Fried Lobster

Fruit dishes in VIP room

Apple's in VIP romm

Dominations gold colour  with Malayu Makasar  Palace decorations

flowering Dinner with roses, purple roses

Fruit dish

Way of presenting dishes with roast beef in thin slices with herbs that we can select their own according to taste.

Nasi Bambu Bakar

Coto Makasar

Add caption

Nasi Goreng pedas

Special Place with orchid flower,roses and more flower

Roasted Peking Duck

Pineapple, watermelon, papaya, melon
potatoes with spices 

Rabu, 21 Agustus 2013

Mr Claudio Giardino has had Masks are very rare in the world

Photo source :


The discovery of ceramic made of mixed metal mask of Goa Made, Made Village, District Kudu, Jombang, East Java, luring researchers world. Masks made of ceramic metal that is very rare in his day and there is no equal in the world.
In his speech delivered at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Indonesia, Thursday (11/8/2011), Claudio Giardino archaeologists from the University of Arkansas (Rome Center), United States, said that the test of a series of materials that they do, some masks made cave contain clay, copper, and zinc. While other masks are made from a mixture of clay, tin, and iron.

Mixture (ceramics) and various types of metal (metal) is known as "cermet" (ceramic metal).
"The findings of the mask material 'cermet' this is the only one in the world. At the present time," cermet "was developed to make computer chips," said Giardino. Most of the findings mask of the websites in the world is made of gold and wood.

Collectors Italy.

The researchers compared the material still mask the origin of Goa which is now owned by collectors Made in Italy with a mask made caves tucked away in museum Trowulan. Findings Made mask of Goa is now partly owned by collector named Paulo Bertuzzi in Bologna, Italy.
When first discovered around 2006, reportedly there are hundreds of masks with objects other artifacts in Goa Made. Most of the conditions are still intact mask had fallen into the hands of collectors, whereas Trowulan Museum in Mojokerto, East Java, just keep the four masks cracked condition.
Made this mask origin Goa attracts researchers world when scientists researching Bertuzzi mask collection which is very unique and rare material. Last May, even held an international conference to discuss and examine the cave made mask.
Professor of Archaeology, University of Indonesia Agus Aris Munandar said, when viewed from the context of the findings that are in Goa Made (undergrown tunnel), the mask is thought to originate from the 10th century until the 14th century AD.
The mask is presumably related to the Majapahit Empire in Trowulan site. According to Agus, who was made to build a brick Goa Made the same size as a brick in Trowulan. Made cave is actually a tunnel that extends under the soil surface and the mouth is very narrow. (IND)


Senin, 12 Agustus 2013

Three days after the Eid celebrations in Jend.Sudirman Street. Jakarta.

Jend.Sudirman road situations. Jakarta. still be free and not have problems on the vehicle speed traffic. This is because nearly all of Jakarta residents return to their homes town to celebrate Eid. This happens every year on every Eid celebration. Picture on the left looks generals Sudirman street atmosphere on the day of Eid celebrations actually deserted.

Situation every Eid celebration in Jakarta such as the exodus, and the people who visited Indonesia for the first time will be surprised and may ask, Why is the celebration of Eid Jakarta deserted because it was left by people?

Different after the Eid celebrations. Population that was initially celebrated in the city of origin where they all go back to Jakarta so that approximately five or six million people use transportation by land, sea and air from all parts of Indonesia left their homelands to the city of Jakarta in approximately three to six days after Eid celebrations.

 Photos on the left show the feedback from other areas into Jakarta.

Jakarta back into The Crowded City after a quiet few days. Statistics show that every year after Eid backflow into the city population has increased since they were returned to Jakarta they bring they brother, cousin or family ties that still exist to work or look for work in the city. Ok, Wecome to Jakarta!

Jumat, 09 Agustus 2013

Eid Mubarak

dear all readers,
with all modesty above all imperfections posts we've ever publication on this website, that there may be some readers who are not satisfied because of mistakes a few sentences we've ever publication some time ago and to all readers who celebrate Eid, we admin http: / /, and say: ' Minal Aidin Aidin WALFA, Eid Mubarak 1 Shawwal 1434 Hijri, Happy Eid '

Sabtu, 03 Agustus 2013

Email from my friend about

I got my letter via email from my friend who lived in Atlanta. USA.  Her Father have successfully bussiness Hotel Supply Online,
I never meet her just only talking on video chat in my web, when first video chat conversation, we both guessed what kind of our work.  She said that her work has to do with cutlery,wine glasses,barbeque tools,outdoor furniture and outdoor ware glasses.  I suspect that her job is marketing, and apparently She is a supplier of hotel equipment items. She said FREE SHIPPING on qualifying retail purchases over $ 500, The Company is also in the field of Hotel Supplies, Restaurant Supplies & Equipment! Make sure you can find anything you need for your hotel.
For more detail information you may click this following link Atlanta Hotel Supply,  Hotel Bar Supplies Liza, as we always done,dont forget on saturday night! Im online on,  your letter information is helpful for me.
Thank you very much..see you again on video conference at saturday night, bye bye..


Senin, 29 Juli 2013

Human Interested

I have no Idea to take a pictured, when I see this moment I took a picture.  All of them was my niece, of course with they permissions.  If I posting the other title, no body interesting with my article and there was much more news for the reader's in any website, maybe is to easy for me to copy paste but I dont like it if my all posting there is some other same with my article except with explanation where the source come from,  and here they are the models..

Asyar Renaton Djati : Bzzz..Bzzz..Bzzz dont disturb, I am dreaming with my girl..

Jumat, 19 Juli 2013

Comunication Technology

Tell to your friend to open or  and click page word VIDEO CALL on the top than you can sharing, marketing,private chat,video call, talk face to face with your friend,family,soulmate or your closed friend with free of charge. Make an appointment on any day with the person who you loved to open the site then implement private conversation that can only be seen and heard by both of you through dumasart videocall.
Free advertising? the right column there is a word 'IKLAN GRATIS TANPA DAFTAR' Just write it what kind of your product to sale than submit with out sign up. Its easy..bye bye and thanks..

best regards,
dumasart and dmazsh

Jumat, 12 Juli 2013

Fried Noodle = Mi goreng

During this month I fasted. Meal begins at 3:00 pm which we refer to said 'sahur'. Begins at 4:29 am and we were not allowed to eat or drink anything that we can break the fast until 6:00 pm. While waiting for the time to eat, I prepare a dish with cooking fried instant noodles. For instant noodle packaging certainly there wasnt dishes. I prepared a small cut vegetables, fried egg, cucumber, meatballs, and a little broccoli. I fry the noodles after fry eggs, meatballs, broccoli, vegetables separately. When finished frying everything, fried noodles that have been cooked I mixed with vegetables, meatballs, broccoli and eggs that have been cooked. Before eating this dish I took pictures with cell phones. By the time 6:00 pm over a few minutes, I eat my own cooking, mmm .. delicious ..bon appetite,eet smakelijk
O shokuji oo tanoshimi Kudasai,  shiangshu  nide shiwu, selamat makan, selamat berbuka puasa..

Sabtu, 06 Juli 2013

Opportunity for you

hello there!
This time we need to make a few changes that make the reader dumasart blog can share their knowledge with others in our weblog. We will invite some people who understand information technology, communications industry, and webdesign for a user or a contributor on our website. Terms and conditions are students or workers in the field of information technology and community that have knowledge of information technology. Become users or contributors in our website is not paid and free of charge (except if up to three hundred thousand views per month on our website then you will be charged a fee of $ 4 per month), you can do is post articles, photos and videos that are tailored expertise and your knowledge in the field of information technology with the English language. The important thing you do to become users or contributors in our website is send your gmail address (google account) to dumas.soendjoto82 @
Once we receive your gmail address then we will add your gmail to become our website users. After you have a gmail address then we add,  you can login to  by using your gmail account than you can start posting and sharing articles,photo and video in Our site!
Ok good luck and thank you very much.

Love to you,

dumasart and dmazsh

Rabu, 03 Juli 2013

My cousin Birthday

In 29 June 2013 we celebrate my cousin birthday  in Holycow Restaurant  at Kemang Raya Street, Jakarta.  The first menu served is grilled meat.  Apparently this restaurant is specialized in serving grilled meat. I ordered sirloan with spices that I do not know, I'm just saying given my order mayonnaise on grilled meats and grilled meats turns his servant said with spice like it does not exist, but that there is a barbeque spice, mushroom, and who knows what else. I then ordered the sirloin with barbecue spice. A few moments later the order came, I ate it and it turns out tender and delicious meat. I saw my cousin ate roast beef the same to me and it is mixed with mayonnaise. I ask my cousin what you ask for spice when ordering sirloin, He said do not know, I just asked the same as you but with mushroom spice, and it was a mushroom spice mix mushrooms with mayonnaise. I tasted my cousin orders, and both are equally good. Nice dinner, although the place is not so spacious but cozy with delicious food.  Maybe its too bored for european's  people eat this menu, but not for me if only one times per months.  Thank you.

Kamis, 27 Juni 2013

Malaikat maut

Ya.. turut prihatin mendengarnya, setiap jam wanita indonesia meninggal karena kanker leher rahim,  kita memang harus memperbaiki secara kontinyu pelayanan publik terutama pelayanan kesehatan. pengalaman pribadi dengan mata kepala saya sendiri saya lihat bagaimana seseorang yang nyawanya  diujung maut karena kecelakaan,kemudian  karena tak punya uang dan tak punya asuransi maka dia terbengkalai di kereta dorong,sementara orang yang membawanya kerumah sakit harus tanda tangan surat pernyataan sanggup bayar segini, mau tak mau surat pernyataan itu harus memilih,tanggung jawab pembayaran harus ditanggung si pembawa korban kecelakaan atau si korban kecelakaan dibiarkan megap-megap menunggu maut gara-gara alasan tak ada kamar,setelah bayar sejuta untuk ruang gawat darurat,  kemudian mendapat kamar untuk rawat inap dan si korban kecelakaan meninggal.  Penolong yang bukan saudara dan bukan teman itu belakang hari akhirnya menerima tagihan dengan jumlah jutaan rupiah yang ditagih oleh debt colector. Kejadian ini sudah jadi rahasia umum yang setiap hari terjadi di rumah sakit negeri yang banyak menerima dana dari pemerintah. Saya melihat saat itu nyawa manusia terasa murah sekali jika orang tak punya uang. dia bukan manusia lagi tapi seperti hewan dan orang-orang sekitarnya adalah tukang jagal..Ini terjadi karena memang sistem pelayanan korban kecelakaan diciptakan seperti itu. Jika dibiarkan terus begini sungguh biadad negeri ini. seorang teman di luar negeri pernah berkata pada saya 'jika ingin melihat suatu negara yang pemerintahannya beradab atau biadab,maka lihatlah system pelayanan publik di ruang gawat darurat pada rumah sakit pemerintahnya. disitu kamu akan tahu mana orang punya sifat kemanusiaannya mulia dan mana orang-orang yang biadab jika tak punya uang.  Jika punya uang mereka adalah orang-orang yang biasa tersenyum manis,ramah tamah,penuh perhatian dan telaten jika melayani orang yang sedang serakatul maut dan jika tak punya uang atau asuransi..maka mereka bisa berubah menjadi malaikat maut' inilah suatu kebiasaan yang lazim dilakukan oleh para pelayan publik yang tak pernah berubah sama sekali dari dulu. Para abda'u negara anggota dewan tak pernah membahas soal ini yang di bahas tentunya perlunya penambahan dan melengkapi tehnologi yang lebih modern untuk rumah sakit milik pemerintah karena memang itu lahan yang empuk untuk KKN. Teringat ketika itu rintihan,erangan dan teriakan orang yang nyawanya hampir lepas dengan nafas tersengal-sengal di kereta dorong di ujung lorong ruang gawat darurat, saya berada di depannya, saya duduk sambil melihat matanya yang picek,berdarah dengan mulut menganga, lantas saya berdoa, saya meminta' Tuhanku! didepanku ada orang teraniaya yang dicampakan, jika ada seorang pemimpin di negara ini yang dapat merubah sistem pelayanan publik dirumah sakit ini sehingga orang orang seperti ini langsung ditolong,ditangani dengan peri kemanusiaan dan peri keadilan dengan tanpa biaya maka 'Teguhkan kekuasaannya, berilah ketangguhannya,tingkatkan kekayaannya, berilah kemuliaan dunia dan akhirat kelak... Setelah selesai berdoa, saya membuka kedua telapak tangan saya yang menutupi wajah saya kemudian dengan perlahan,saya membuka mata.. saya melihat orang itu ternyata berhenti bernapas, saya berteriak memanggil perawat dan setelah itu paramedik mengatakan : " Dia telah pergi..."

Rabu, 26 Juni 2013

Etiopian Surma Body Painting

painting with hands

This is not  tatoo

The Surma Ethiopian body art painting.

With an artist's touch  Kolaholi famed as a painter, decorates Chinoi a renowned stick fighter.  To create these art form, the skin is covered with chalk and water mixture, sometimes highlighted by ocher.  Fingertips partially  remove the paint in contrasting patterns.  The design impress woman or intimidate opponents.  To attract men,  woman paint only their faces and breasts.  This young woman's earplugs are part of her everyday adornment.

Source :     National Geographic. February 1991
                  Ensiklopedia Americana.

Selasa, 25 Juni 2013

Japanese Painting

I dont know what kind of bird on this Japanese Painting.  It look peacock or chicken.  I shoot this painting when I visited Hanamasa Japanese restaurant.  I am sure the painting made by water color on paper.  Only two figure on this picture, The bird and Flower.  Sorry my picture is not sharp because I shoot it with used mobile phone. thanks

Rabu, 19 Juni 2013

The beauty and Art


Surma girl, wearing clay plate in they lip for they status.



Standards of beauty in society could be different with other community votes of beauty.
Beauty in a particular country is tall, slim, black hair, breasts not too big and runs like a heron.
Where as in other countries, people who are beautiful is golden hair, brown skin, green eyes with a medium body high.
One of the ethnic in northern Thailand has a standard of beauty if a girl has a long neck.
In Ethiopia, Society Surma ethnic would be beautiful if the girls have long lips up to their chests. Accessories  attached to their lip plate made ​​of clay.

Source  :  - Book of National Geographic 1991.
                - Americana Ensiklopedia.