
Senin, 12 Agustus 2013

Three days after the Eid celebrations in Jend.Sudirman Street. Jakarta.

Jend.Sudirman road situations. Jakarta. still be free and not have problems on the vehicle speed traffic. This is because nearly all of Jakarta residents return to their homes town to celebrate Eid. This happens every year on every Eid celebration. Picture on the left looks generals Sudirman street atmosphere on the day of Eid celebrations actually deserted.

Situation every Eid celebration in Jakarta such as the exodus, and the people who visited Indonesia for the first time will be surprised and may ask, Why is the celebration of Eid Jakarta deserted because it was left by people?

Different after the Eid celebrations. Population that was initially celebrated in the city of origin where they all go back to Jakarta so that approximately five or six million people use transportation by land, sea and air from all parts of Indonesia left their homelands to the city of Jakarta in approximately three to six days after Eid celebrations.

 Photos on the left show the feedback from other areas into Jakarta.

Jakarta back into The Crowded City after a quiet few days. Statistics show that every year after Eid backflow into the city population has increased since they were returned to Jakarta they bring they brother, cousin or family ties that still exist to work or look for work in the city. Ok, Wecome to Jakarta!

2 komentar:

  1. was that virtual data from your own research or from government?

    1. no it was not, from news paper explanation 'KOMPAS' in 2010 there is 10,11 million people lived in Jakarta city, if you can calculate how many today in 2013? every year on Eid celebretion's its about over 6 million people left Jakarta and back again few day later. thats why I sad it look like short time exodus
