
Selasa, 04 November 2014

Mr.President Ir.H. Joko Widodo said,

Food resilience is different with food sovereignty, food resilience was "only" a food is "there" in the logistics warehouses and markets. But where is the food come from it does not matter, that was from imported or locally its not important, which important is there is Food. In "Food Sovereignty" there is food, with our own production and we are strong in marketing, even the food that we produce from the farm we can master the markets abroad. We are sovereign over our food sources, when there is chaos overseas, we are still strong logistical backup for the results of our food is more than sufficient to meet the needs of the people. In our government Cabinet, the destination is "Food Sovereignty" is a long road leading to it, because we have to fight against many obstacles, but we have determined that way. In the politics of food sovereignty, the state is present when mafia (illegal) played onion imports, the country was present when sugar was smuggled, the state exists to eradicate all of it including the mafia (illegal) devour beef import quotas played. Vision of food sovereignty is greatest when food products from Indonesia in abundance in the local market as well as overseas markets. At least in the ASEAN countries we have become the largest country in producing food commodities.

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