
Kamis, 09 Januari 2014

Recreation area in Jakarta

There are some places in Jakarta that is far from the noise of a city. This recreation area is a lake located suburban of Jakarta. Information from some people who live nearby, this lake area of about 32 acres. Total area of areas's cultural conservation includes around 165 acres of their fields and lakes. Many trees are grown or planted on the edge of the lake so that this areas is cool. The road on the edge of the lake where the vehicle traffic is quite wide and fairly clean. The lake is located in the areas of Srengseng Sawah Jagakarsa. South Jakarta.

For rent, duck boat.  You can used this boat with cycling like a bike. Only 5000 rupiah per hour.

Cleaning services, alone? how many areas this man can cleaning?
God Bless You man..

 Waiting for customer
Mini bike. 10.000 rupiah per 15 minute.
Its only for child
 Keep far away, dont crash our boat..
Becareful.. its child play area.
With nice smile :
'Hello Sir.. Cofe?
Hot tea or Ice tea?..'
 Cool day
Rental motor bike?

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