
Senin, 16 Februari 2009

'journalist new job?'

hello there! Today I have some information how to monetize your blog.

At these time blogs [blogspot] is amazing marketing power for product. Time by time, day by day and continuously, blogs always exist history and successful for individual or team to make some product sole. Many way and method to sole product and system. These web system [ blogspot] is free. It means you have no pay per months and It means much people used these method for marketing or looking for new job. At special global finance crisis case in Urope, Usa, Asia and Africa much people lose they job to make they have a trouble with buy some life needs. These situation, if they know about internet blogs marketing with the right and easy method, it is very helpful for them to make it more better they income per months. is one of mostly advertiser for individual or team who wants have some money from blogs. You can make some article, news, report or video record to have some money per months from your blogs. Rules and responsibility must be obey when you have approve, read carefully one by one step by step after or before you registering. These are good and legal business for today and the future. You can used your own talent for writer or to be a journalist in your website and some one paid you.

I repeat, rules and responsibility must be obey when you have approve from advertiser.

I hope this information is helpful for some one who needs it when they read my letter [story,article or report?]

May be its not much money for some person who richest in the world but for me its better than jobless. Ok good luck and see you next time, thank you very much!.

