
Minggu, 08 Desember 2013

The Great Indonesian Artist

Raden Saleh was born into a noble Javanese family. He was the grandson of Sayyid Abdullah Bustaman on his mother's side. His father was Sayyid Husen bin Alwi bin Awal bin Yahya, an Indonesian of Arab descent. Young Raden Saleh was first taught in Bogor by the Belgian artist A.J. Payen. Payen acknowledged the youth's talent, and persuaded the colonial government of the Netherlands to send Raden Saleh to the Netherlands to study art. He arrived in Europe in 1829 and began to study under Cornelius Kruseman and Andries Schelfhout. It was from Kruseman that Raden Saleh studied his skills in portraiture, and later was accepted at various European courts where he was assigned to do portraits. While in Europe, in 1836 Saleh became the first indigenous Indonesian to be initiated into Freemasonry. From 1839, he spent five years at the court of Ernst I, Grand Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, who became an important patron. From Schelfhout, Raden Saleh furthered his skills as a landscape painter. Raden Saleh visited several European cities, as well as Algiers. In The Hague, a lion tamer allowed Raden Saleh to study his lion, and from that his most famous painting of animal fights was created, which subsequently brought fame to the artist. Many of his paintings were exhibited at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. Several of his paintings were destroyed when the Colonial Dutch pavilion in Paris was burnt in 1931. Raden Saleh's house in Cikini. Raden Saleh returned to Dutch East Indies in 1852, after living in Europe for 20 years. He worked as conservator for the colonial collection of government art and continued painting portraits of the Javanese aristocracy, and many more landscape paintings. Returning to Java, he expressed his uneasiness of living in the colonies, stating that "here, people only talks about coffee and sugar, then sugar and coffee." in one his letters. Upon returning, Saleh built a house in Cikini, based on the Callenberg Castle of which he stayed in during his European travels c. 1844. Surrounded by vast grounds, most of the them was converted into public gardens in 1862, and were closed in the turn of the century. In 1960, Taman Ismail Marzuki was built in the former gardens. The house itself is still used today as a hospital.
He married a young aristocratic woman of Yogyakarta Sultanate, Raden Ayu Danudirdja, in 1867 and subsequently moved to Bogor, where he rent a house near Bogor Botanical Gardens with a view of Mount Salak. He later took his wife to travel in Europe, visiting countries such as the Netherlands, France, German, and Italy. His wife however contracted an illness while in Paris, the exact illness is still not known, and was so severe that they both immediately returned to Bogor. She passed away in 31 July 1880, following her husband's own demise 3 months earlier. On Friday morning, 23 April 1880, Saleh suddenly fell sick. He claimed that he was poisoned by one of his servants, but later examination showed that his blood flow was disrupted due to a clot near his heart. Saleh was buried two days later in Kampung Empang, Bogor. As reported in Javanese Bode newspaper, 28 April 1880, his funeral was "attended by various land lords and Dutch officials, and even by curious students from nearby school.

Source :  Americana Encyclopedia
               Sejarah Pelukis Raden Saleh

Kamis, 28 November 2013

I prayed this prayer

Title : Most Sacred Heart Catholic Crunch Maria
Located : Manado - Sulawesi Utara
Format : Medium
Media : Cannon
Photographed : SteveRockGahang

man and selling bikes

Title : Coffee night street
Located : Taman Soeropati - Jakarta Pusat
Formad : Medium
Media : Cannon
Photographed : SteveRockGahang

little boy smile

Title : Smile
Located : Remboken - Sulawesi Utara
Format :Medium
Media : Cannon
Photographed : SteveRockGahang

it's Two

Title : 2
Location : Ratahan - Sulawesi Utara
Format : Medium
Media : Cannon
Photographed : SteveRockGahang

Selasa, 19 November 2013

She's the One

Located : Manado
Format : Medium
Media : Canon
Photographed : SteveRockgahang

Sabtu, 09 November 2013

The History of Prince Vlad, The Leader of Wallachia

The name " Dracula " is often synonymous with the term " vampire " . Just what is a vampire ? According to The American Heritage ® Dictionary ( fourth edition by Houghton Mifflin Company ) , a vampire portrayed as one of the following :
A living corpse that is believed to rise from the grave at night to suck the blood of sleeping people .
Person , such as an extortionist , who preys on others .
A vampire bat .

Prince Vlad Dracula was born in Schäßburg ( now called Sighisoara ) , a small town in Transylvania ( now known as northern Romania ) in 1431 . The house where he was born , is still standing intact in Sighisoara . It is a fortress , but only modest three-story home .

 He was named after his father Vlad Dracul , who became members of the Order of the Dragon . This is an order established by the Holy Roman Emperor to defeat the purpose of Turkey, which is trying to conquer Europe at the time . The name " Dracul " which means dragon or devil , was taken by his father , when he joined the Order , the same year the prince Vlad was born . He later added the name of his son -a , which means " Son of the Dragon " . But as the young prince grew older , he became better known as the " Son of Satan " .

His father ruled over the territory of Romania known as Wallachia South , and to maintain his power , he had to ally with powerful people . But he is a master very reliable, which is constantly changing its allies . To begin with he was against Turkey , then he suddenly changed policy and join them for a short time . This behavior may not be relied upon is the reason why the Sultan of Turkey ordered the arrest of his two sons , Prince Dracula and his sister .

 1447 Prince Vlad Dracula 's father was killed by some of his own , and the year after , the prince , now seventeen , was released from prison . He was sent back home to rule Wallachia , but in return he had to obey the Sultan in Constantinople . But he was ousted , by a rival and had to flee , before he can claim the throne in 1456 back again . The first thing he did , was to build a fort for safety . With the help of a few hundred noble family was arrested in his country , who had worked as slaves simply, he got to build his stronghold high in the mountains , close to the northern city of Wallachia Tirgoviste .

Now six years after the terror begins . First he avenge his father's death , then he got rid of all his enemies in the massacre of the infinite. Several thousand people were killed in Wallachia and neighboring countries . But the prince Dracula is not just killing people , he likes to see them suffer . His favorite method of torturing someone to death , was impalement .

 Impalement of the execution is terrible . Victim stabbed in the leg with pole sleeves for adult male sharp edges , then lift straight up . The body weight will begin to drag them down , causing a sharp tip to pierce their internal organs with very slow . Vlad especially enjoyed mass executions , where several victims were impaled at once . In order to better enjoy the brutal acts , Vlad would place victims impaled , in front of the table and then will enjoy the sounds of people will die . It was a very brutal act , which earned the nickname " Tepes " , which in Romanian means " Impaler " .

It is thought that Prince Vlad Tepes was responsible for the deaths , more than a hundred thousand people in a few years . This figure , is including twenty- five thousand men , who died from impalement .

At 1462, because of his enemies , Vlad Tepes had to flee again . He fled to Hungary , the Transylvania Alps , with the hope of getting help from the Hungarian king Corvinus . But instead of getting some sort of help , he was convicted on a false accusation to imprisonment for twelve years . When he was released , he married the sister of the King of Hungary , and in November 1475 , he finally got help to get back in control of Wallachia .

But just a month later , Dracula was killed in battle against the Turks near Bucharest . After his death , fear and no doubt a brave soldier and then beheaded . Just to make people believe that he really is dead , his head was displayed in Constantinople . Then his body was buried in a monastery near Snagov in Romania . In a book titled " Dracule " , from 1488, was written only thirteen years after Vlad the Impaler died , he descried as a vampire !

A writer named Bram Stoker wrote a number of short stories and novels , but Bram Stoker mainly remembered for only one, the story of a vampire 's " Dracula " . Dracula was originally published in 1897 . Dracula was an immediate success , and is one of the most famous horror stories and the most popular ever written .

Source : Americana Encyclopedia, Prince Vlad III
              Americana Encyclopedia, Bram Stoker (Writer/Novelist)

Mermaid Body found?

Who would have known that these last couple of months everyone would be talking about mermaids . We first covered mermaids when the released their Animal Planet special , " Mermaids The Body Found . " We covered the story here at our article title , " Animal Planet Mermaids Show Bodies Found That Create Nightmares [ pictures & videos ] . "
The Animal Planet was not the last of the mermaid bodies being found as a new one has surfaced . A man calling himself Professor Dimitrov has released pictures of a skeleton of a woman that is quite apparently a mermaid . The skeleton is very tall and has a fish tail like appearance starting at the hips and goes all the way down into a bony fin .
Some of the websites we found out about this from had to be translated from Bulgarian so it's not perfect English.This excerpt is from and reads , " Ancient skeleton of a mermaid before the Flood 8 millenniums ago was found near Sozopol Beach by Professor Dimitrov . This " news " blew prostarnstvoto Internet . Zevzecite comment that vampires after Dimitrov 's time to start dealing with mermaids , writes Novinar . "
So where did the picture of this female fish or mermaid Bulgarian start ? It is said that a journalist shared the photo on his Facebook wall and it went viral after that . The journalist 's name is Petar Genchev . While the story sounds good , we tried to back up the claims and find the specific journalist and his Facebook wall . To no avail we have not found the specific post . What we did find was some other information that you'll see below .
Looking a little deeper , we found out about a website called Worth 1000. It seems this photo might have been from a Photoshop contest and further altered and then spread with a story . What do you think ? Is this the real thing or is this another file for Snopes ? It just may be that the Animal Planet has spurred a fascination of fooling the public into believing there really are mermaid.

Posted By Christian Kirven on June 25th,2012
Source :

Senin, 04 November 2013

Cat cleaned her feet

Located : Jakarta
Format : Medium
Media : Mobile Camera
Price : Not for sale
Object : Neighbor Cat
Photographed : Dimas Handono
Label : Mobile Art Photography
Date : September 2013