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Tampilkan postingan dengan label culinary. Tampilkan semua postingan

Sabtu, 13 Oktober 2018

Resto Bonga Bonga

Berada di jalan Cipete Raya depan circle K.  Memasuki resto ini rasanya friendly padahal baru pertama kali saya kesini.  Ketika pintu dibuka oleh waiter saya masuk dan berhadapan dengan meja panjang yang diatasnya disajikan bermacam lauk pauk.  Makanan kita pilih dan ambil sendiri, nomor satu aku pilih makanan favoritku yang menurutku makanan tersedap didunia yaitu Ikan teri Medan dengan sayur daun singkong dan bon a petite..rasanya sedaap.. 

menu resto bukan hanya itu saja dan masih banyak yang lain..tinggal ambil sesuai selera masing masing..yook makan!

Lauk teri Medan,sayur daun singkong+ayam bakar
Suasana Resto Bonga Bonga
Owner sedang berbicara dengan Chef Resto Bong Bonga
Owner, Angga dan Ita (Ny Angga) mereka masih muda dan sukses sebagai pangusaha resto

Senin, 08 Oktober 2018

Indonesia Kaya Rasa

Untuk warga depok dan sekitarnya
Sebagai sebuah budaya, kuliner Indonesia merupakan warisan bangsa yang harus kita lestarikan, Kekayaan Rasa dan keragaman Kuliner Asli Indonesia dapat anda nikmati di acara “Indonesia Kaya Rasa” di Margocity Mall depok, menampilkan kuliner ikonik dari berbagai kota di Indonesia, antara lain:
 Gudeg Yu Djum Yogyakarta
 Bebek Sinjay Asli Bangkalan
 Mangut Ikan Manyung Bu Fat
 Nasi Jamblang Mang Dul
 Kupat Tahu Gempol Bandung
 Tongseng Bu Bekti Semarang
 Kweetiau sapi antasari 72
 Nasi Kapau Bukit Tinggi
 Sego Ayam Mas Semlo
 Mie Jowo Semar
 Tahu Petis Yudhistira
 Soraya Bandeng Juwana
 Mie Kocok Bandung Marika
 Kopi Es Takkie Glodok
 Soto Roxy H. Darwasa
 Ketan Susu Kemayoran
 Nasi Pedes Bali Made
 Dapoer Umy Masakan Khas
 Nasi Uduk H. Yoyo khas
 Kedai Ankha Pempek Asli
 Es Shanghai Khas Pontianak
 Putu Bambu & Kue Dongkal
 Seblak Jeletet Murni
 Es Durian Iko Gantinyo
 Nasi Gandul & Soto Kemiri
 Pindang Patin Pak Wanto
 Cuanki Bandung Mang Udin
 gemblong & Risol Bu Nung
 Es Sinar Garut
 Cakwe Master
 Serabi Hijau 11 Saudara
 Telur Gulung exito
 Dawet Ireng Bu Rita
 Tahu Slawi & Tahu Pletok
 Nasi Bakar & Rujak The
      Margo Hotel
 Sari Tebu Murni & Es
 Sunda Unik Jajanan jaman
 Es Podeng
 Es Cincau mang Toip
 Kerak Telor
 Toge Goreng Akri
 Tahu Gejrot
 Kue Lekker
 Asinan Betawi okip
 Kue Pancong, Kue Rangi
 Kue Ape, Kue Cubit
 Dll
Pastikan anda hadir untuk merasakan Kekayaan Rasa Kuliner Asli Indonesia di “Indonesia Kaya Rasa” 8 - 21 Oktober 2018 di Atrium Margocity Mall Depok, pukul kuliner Indonesia

Source: Suntoro BK, youtube,

Jumat, 19 Januari 2018

Berhati hatilah Membeli Durian Kemasan!

Buah Durian merupakan Buah Paling favorit di Indonesia sehingga mahal harganya.  Bagi penyuka buah durian tentu tak masalah jika buah durian dibeli dengan utuh atau belum di kupas tapi pembeli berhak mengetahui buah durian yang telah di beli jika sudah di kupas isinya besar, dagingnya tebal dengan rasa yang lezat.  Jika calon pembeli hanya ingin makan beberapa butir durian saja yang telah dikupas dan telah dikemas plastik tentu dengan harga yang lebih murah di bandingkan dengan harga durian yang masih utuh belum dikupas. Nah.. disini calon pembeli harus lebih berhati hati dengan kebersihannya sebab durian kemasan yang telah dibungkus plastik belum tentu terjamin kebersihannya walaupun durian kemasan tersebut dijual di hypermart sekalipun, berikut tayangan video kiriman dari teman medsos yang secara diam diam merekam suatu adegan yang dilakukan penjual durian mobil bak di pinggir jalan raya yang membuktikan durian dalam tayangan video tersebut tidak bersih bahkan menjijikkan.  Kita sebenarnya berharap bahwa tayangan video ini hanya sandiwara tapi  ternyata ini realitas!

Minggu, 27 Agustus 2017

Edwin Kupi

Yang mau minum kopi rasa kopi Aceh asli bisa dinikmati di Edwin Kupi jln Cinere Raya Gandul. Didukung irama musik dari Antoz dan hidangan martabak khas Edwin Kupi yang lezat, saya cukup enjoy dan santai sejenak di kedai cakep ini. Mie acehnya juga gurih tapi saya lupa bilang kalau jangan pedas. Hasilnya sambil berkeringat dan seperti kpanasan habis juga mie aceh disantap.  Selanjutnya... mari nambah yuuk!

Minggu, 04 September 2016

Japanesse Food

Today is the super sento went to the back of the convenience store oden.
When a child, the pond otchan on it and was baked octopus in your shop. This is " Oden " and said, " it is not in the kanto region called ' cook. Guangdong Province of China similar to the food, it is also said that the origin. When he hold soup stains, and the ingredients that was great. Grilled Octopus, tree flaked board made by boat into a container lined, Yellow Green Nightingale of paper wrapped in a newspaper it and wrap it in back home with me. Direction to the shopping centre, and there is a mother to go to the shopping when baked octopus, bought me back. She is much volunteer activities, and that while there were a lot. When you in the kanto region? Curry is made, have to heat it back memories were eaten. One of the main cook in the kanto region, first wings, whale meat, koro. Meat is re in advance in order to remove the
I have cooked, the smell of cooking and the smell a bit of a ' oh, tomorrow is the kanto region, and " that was a sign. Day outside until playing with her mother, and the ' rice and is called thgroup? Come to me, but now it is a good memories.
Previous job sometimes, super is in the I-Delicatessens Oden was bought, but he firmly the broth ingredients. Stain, always give me. That seems to be sold, but it's strange to be delicious. Service Wagon. Half price sale and the fruit of the same. Too ripe, but delicious. Well, if a man is? Good too ripe.

Minggu, 10 Januari 2016

Salty Eggs

Make salted eggs.

10 duck eggs
500g coarse salt
1 liter water

How to make it:
1. Boiling salt with water until dissolved then cool
2. Washing duck egg and wipe dry

3. Put into the glass tube then pour the brine.

4.  Cover tighly and marinate for 2 weeks at room temperature.

Cup on eggs for ballast so that the eggs do not float.

Enjoy your meal

Minggu, 03 Januari 2016

Food Stand

Stand Name : Bakal Balik
Located     :  Jalan Ciganjur Raya. Jaksel

Type of cuisine:  fry, contains coconut      milk, mix a little bit of meat, leeks and other pieces.

Type of food : Indonesian foods that contain lots of spice with a slightly spicy flavor.

Jumat, 01 Januari 2016

New Year Event at 'Pelabuhan Ratu' West Java


2016 time at 12:01 

Niece : Happy New Year 2016!
Ok Sister.. Take a picture for this Event!
" One..Two.. Three.. Smile!" click

" Happy 2016 Bro n Sist!"

"Hey pal.. I got This!"

Lady in Black

Jumat, 11 Desember 2015

Sate Padang

Sate Padang dishes:

500 grams of beef
50 grams of rice flour
1/2 liter of water
Seasoning finely:

5 shallots
3 garlic
3 red chillies
2 cm turmeric, chopped
2 cm ginger, minced
2 lime leaves
1 cm ginger, minced
1 tea spoon of salt
1 1/2 lemon, which has been pounded.
1/2 tablespoon coriander powder
1/2 teaspoon ground pepper
1/2 teaspoon cumin powder
1/2 leaves turmeric
1/2 pieces of tamarind
1/4 teaspoon ground
right amount of oil

How to Make Sate Padang:

Cut the meat into 2 to 4 portions are huge.
After the stir fry all the spices until fragrant smell of spices.
Then enter a large piece of meat, then cover with a smoldering fire. Cook using small / medium fire until the water runs out of meat and meat feels soft.
After lifting the meat is soft, pieces to taste. Make into several punctures.
Then Spread the meat with oil and a mixture of spices, then grilled (meat in fuel does not need fired to dry), then put separately into a serving bowl or serving plate.
Make a sauce from a mixture of rice flour and water are incorporated into the remaining seasoning. Simmer to a boil, then add a little salt.
Flush skewers that have been placed separately with a sauce that had just made.
Afterwards sprinkle with fried onions on it.
Sate Padang ready to serve, mix with white rice, rhombus, or rice ketupat.

Rabu, 09 Desember 2015

Fried Pastel Special

Layer Skin made with :
250 gr flour versatile
1 egg
40 g margarine
60-100 ml of water (approximated yes until the dough feels smooth)
1/2 teaspoon salt
the oil for frying

Stuffing Ingredients:

150 grams of rice noodles (flush with hot water, drained)
200 g fillet of chicken, diced
3 carrots, cut into small cubes
1 onion leaves, chopped
3 eggs boiled, split

Fine Stuffing Seasoning:

3 cloves garlic
2 red onions
salt, pepper and sugar to taste

How to Make a Special Fried Crispy Pastel:

1. Create a pastel skin first. Mix flour, margarine and eggs. Mix well. Add water little by little, stirring constantly and  briefly until smooth. Press it and print thin and round shape. Set aside.
2. For its contents, heat 1 tablespoon oil, saute ground spices until fragrant. Enter the chicken fillet, stir until it changes color. Enter the carrots and cook briefly until wilted. Enter vermicelli, season with salt, sugar and pepper. Test flavor. Add the leek.
3. Take a piece of skin that have been printed, put the stuffing, add sliced ​​hard-boiled eggs.
4. Glue the sides and gyre up neatly. Repeat until finished.
5. Heat oil and fry until golden pastel.
6. Lift up and ready to be served.

Source : Adi Sarastiani

Rabu, 30 September 2015

Bamboo Architecture

Place  : Jalan Raya Veteran Bintaro
               Jakarta Selatan
label     : Architecture, Culinary

Sunda Restaurant with bamboo architecture design building it is comfortable to enjoyed Sundanesse dishes.  More than comfortable is the sundanesse dishes its yummy with fresh vegetables that we call with local name 'Lalapan' and local fried chickens with 'sambal terasi' very nice to enjoy.  This Restaurant name is ' Mang Kabayan' are famous and unique because few years ago in 2005 the President of Republic Indonesia Mr. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono with family visited and enjoyed dishes in mang Kabayan restaurant.

Jumat, 26 Juni 2015

Local Decoration

Spatial this restaurant uses of bamboo material are arranged neatly on each stall. Decorate of walls stall  more words  and photographs of dishes for information when people pass through.

Saung is a small building in the area paddy field without walls with four bamboo poles supporting the roof made of palm leaf arrangement. This Saung farmers place to rest while enjoying lunch. Saung turns out there is in the whole area of ​​rice farming in Indonesia. Apparently this saung decorations have been adopted to this restaurant for a presentation of the dish. From the start coffee shop, cashier and places to enjoy a drink juice.

Selasa, 23 Juni 2015

Eat republic

This restaurant name is 'Eat Republic' and the location approximately 800 meter from the center of aviation training 'Pondok Cabe'. The menu presented is Indonesian cuisine. When we walking inside, the atmosphere like an airplane hangar with many stalls. Each stall serves food that is different from the other stall. To taste the dishes here, we have to buy a membership card, with the card we can buy food and drinks. After walking  around to enjoy the atmosphere quite comfortable with the room decor similar with small stall in Bali, precisely at six a clock when the sun sets, I just ordered one kind of food and soursop juice because I need to order different dishes than before.

Minggu, 14 Juni 2015

Padang Resto

I'm sure this place is comfortable and the most important is the menu of dishes. This is a restaurant located on Highway Cibubur. The unique thing in this restaurant when you sit the servant will  provide many small dishes consisting of rice, fried chicken, chicken chili, fried meat seasoning curry, rendang, vegetables boiled cassava leaves, vegetable, goulash, green chili, curry fish, beef  and other dried. In the plate contains two pieces of fried meat, if you take one then that is what you pay. If the side dishes in the dish that you do not touch although it has been provided in the table it will not be written on the bills payment. You pay just eaten.

Selasa, 28 April 2015

Spicy Lunch

Fried chicken curry spices, meat spices dry thin green peppers, fried shrimp, vegetables, cassava leaves, rendang, chicken steamed, fried sambal ati, rendang spices fried calamari, three rice dishes, hot sweet tea. the composition of food seasonings, among others flavored with turmeric, ginger, salt, onion, garlic, green chili cayenne, nutmeg, galangal, pepper, coriander without preservatives.